Midnight Inventory App Follow
The Midnight Inventory app allows users to edit inventory processes with a IOS mobile device. The app is capable of performing many functions including receiving, image capture, add/Put away, Subtract/Pull, Move, Find, Printing inventory label and skid flag, and emailing info.
Installing the App
To find the app, navigate to your App Store and search "Midnight Inventory"
After installing the app and opening it, you will be greeted with the login screen.
Log-in screen
From the login screen, you can log in to the account you use on midnight.
Be sure the "Remember Password" option is on
Home Screen
The home screen contains options to
Add inventory
Subtract inventory
Move inventory
Find inventory
- Create Inventory Items
- View Settings
Adding and Subtracting Inventory
Adding and Subtracting inventory can easily be done by selecting the Required Inventory function from the home screen. After clicking the submit button the inventory is updated in real-time. Tapping on any of the bar codes will open up your device's camera to scan a physical bar code of the item. Note that the Add and Subtract inventory buttons contain the same fields.
The fields on this screen are:
- Cancel: Exits the user out of the screen and does not save the data entered.
- Submit: Saves the information entered on the screen and adds the item.
- Inventory ID: The ID of the item used by Midnight.
- Item Code: The code of the item generated by Midnight.
- Item Name: The name of the item used in the Inventory.
- Location: Shows the locations where the item is stored.
- Lots: The Lots of the item location.
- Order: A list of orders to attach to the item.
- Qty: How much to add/subtract.
- Comment: General comments about the item.
Move Inventory
The move inventory button allows users to transfer inventory from one location to another.
- From Location is where the inventory will be transferred from.
- To Location is where the inventory is going to.
Find Inventory
The find Inventory tab contains tabs to locate inventory items. The Bar code in the upper right opens up the camera of your mobile device to scan codes that may be on items.
On this screen there are four tabs below the top bar. These tabs can be used to easily search for inventory using a specific search term.
Inventory Item Details
The item details screen displays information about the item. Using the buttons in the upper right, you can email the details about the item, and view the item label and skid flag. Pressing Cancel exits this screen and takes you back to the Inventory search screen.
This screen contains the Description, Inventory ID, Item code, item name, product image, and Locations that show the quantity available. From the app it is possible to upload a photo by tapping on the camera button below the image. Doing this will open up the camera on your phone to take a photo of the inventory item.
The create tab allows you to create new inventory items from the app.
After selecting the company this item is for, the item code will automatically be filled by midnight, The rest are filled by the user. The tabs on this screen are:
- Item Code: The ID for the item assigned by midnight.
- Item Type: What type of product the item is.
- Item Name: The name of the item.
- Description: A description for the item.
- Quantity: How much of the item there is.
- Putaway Location: Where the items will be put away at, such as a spot in a warehouse.
- Image: An image that represents the item.
- Comments: A section for general comments and information about the item.
Once you have entered all the required information, clicking the submit button will add the new Inventory item to Midnight's database.