Lock Line Item Pricing Follow
Freeze unit or extended prices
You have the ability to lock either the unit price or extended price of a standard service within both estimates and orders.
Locking the price enables the system to maintain that set value, regardless of other changes to the line item. The process is a valuable one when a quoted negotiated price needs to stay the same through the time of billing, regardless of volume discounts and/or quantity changes that happen during processing and fulfilling the job.
To freeze a standard service, navigate to the desired service on an estimate or order and then right-click (with your mouse) on the line item. Select Either Freeze Unit Price or Freeze Ext(tended) Price.
Once you make a selection, that field on the line will display in blue to let the team know the value is frozen.
If you freeze the unit price, the unit price will remain the same, regardless of quantity changes. The extended price will be the calculated total of the quantity multiplied by the unit price.
If you freeze the extended price, the extended price will stay the same regardless of quantity changes. The unit price will update to reflect the value of the extended price divided by the quantity.
Frozen values will remain until unfrozen. To unfreeze, right click on the line item and de-select the option. At that point, the values can be manually changed or recalculated by changing the quantity, unit price or extended price for that service.
(If neither the unit price nor the extended price fields on a standard service are blue in color, they are not frozen.)