Setting up Tax Rates Follow
- Taxes can be calculated with the shipping cost (if any) added to the order's Taxable Total. If this option is selected and the order's Taxable Total is $0, shipping charges are not added and the order is tax exempt or tax free. To make sure shipping charges are taxed, make your order's Taxable Total is greater than $0.
- Any rates with a blank Rate Name are ignored at checkout so be sure to enter a name (description you want seen on the checkout page).
- Taxes are calculated based on the Taxable Total of the order and your defined rate. The defined rate is applied at checkout based on either the customer's bill-to or ship-to address (please refer to local laws).
- The Taxable Total is a mapped field for each order form. Any Order Forms with this field left at None Selected, no tax will be taken. See below:
- For DocMart Items, MyOrderDesk will also look to the Item Setup to determine if tax should be taken for that particular item. Admin > Tools > DocMart > Items > Pricing Section. See below:
- Remember to click Save to apply any changes.
Importing Tax Rates
For your convenience we have a tool that will allow you to upload your tax rates. You first will need to download the template that is provided and then after filling out the necessary fields, re-upload to the setup page.
It is best to familiarize yourself with the layout of the Tax Rate options before filling out the form so that you understand what information is needed.
If you already have tax information setup, the Export will include that information. With this behavior, you can easily edit the information, or update the various rates.
Fields in the CSV file:
- TaxRateID - Leave this blank, it will be completed by the system when the rates are saved.
- Country Code - Whether you are setting up State, Zip Codes, or Provinces, etc., you must first select a Country. Enter the 2 Digit Country Code.
- Location Code - Leave blank if you are only applying a Country Tax. If you are applying a State/Providence code, enter the 2 digit code, if you are applying a Zip Code, enter it here. If you are entering a range, use a "-" between the Zip Codes (ie: 60137-60187) and any Zip Codes that match the first and last or any numbers in between, will have that tax rate applied.
- Level - For Country, enter 0 (zero), For State/Province enter 1, for Zip Code, enter 2. This determines the order in which the system will look for a match.
- RateName - Enter a Name that will be seen by your customer in front of the rate on the checkout page.
- RatePercent - Enter the rate as a percentage. (ie: 10% = enter 10).
- TaxOnShipping - Enter Y if you want tax to apply to the Shipping charge, enter N if you do not.
- TaxAddressType - Enter B if the tax should be applied to the Billing Address, or enter S if you want the tax to be applied to the Shipping Address.
When you have completed the spreadsheet with your details, you will then select the Import button and upload the spreadsheet you've created (CSV and Excel are acceptable formats) by selecting the Choose File button, and locating the file on your computer. You should see an Import Preview if the file has been completed correctly and saved in the proper format. Review the information for accuracy and then select the button below the preview labeled "Import." Once completed you will get a confirmation that the import was successful. It is important now to close this window. After closing the window, make sure to Save and then view the changes that were made.