Print Reach Central v3.6.0 Release Notes Follow
Email Settings:
The following changes have been made to the Email Settings page:
- The Email Client label is renamed to Email Provider.
- When the email provider is set to Print Reach Pay, the From Email Address field will automatically include the suffix.
- Email Receipt Settings label renamed to Payment Receipt Settings.
- The Save button moved to the bottom of the page.
Gmail Integration
On the Email Settings page, in the Email Provider field there is now a Gmail option:
Selecting this option will allow Print Reach Central to integrate with a Gmail Email Account. After selecting Gmail as the Email provider, click the Sign in with Google button.
In the Choose an Account window, select the Gmail account:
Check in the Option to allow Print Reach Central to Send email on your behalf and click Continue:
The Email Settings page will be updated with the integrated Gmail account, and the Status field will indicate that the account is connected:
After the account is added, click the Send Test Message button to send a test email message to verify a successful integration.
When an integrated email connection fails, the Status field on the Merchant Email Settings page will reflect that the account is Not Connected. Clicking the Update Account button on this page allows the end-user to reconnect the Gmail integration.
Additionally, if an integrated email message fails to send, Print Reach Central will then send the email message using the [CompanyName] "From" email address. A second email will be sent to the address of the integrated account alerting the user that the Gmail integration is not currently connected.
Consumer User Options:
In the profile of a consumer user, under the user options ‘Show Online Jobs and Invoices Assigned To’ field, there are four options:
These options will produce the following results:
This Customer: Shows all jobs linked to the customer for this user account.
This Customer + Parent/Child account: Shows all jobs and invoices linked to the customer and parent for this user account.
This Contact: Shows all jobs and invoices linked to the job's buyer for this user account.
Do Not Show: Jobs and Invoices are not shown for this user.
Job Link Quote:
On a Job Link quote that includes an item with multiple quantity pricing, the selected quantity is now displayed below the quantity selection grid.
Job Details Page:
The Job details page has been updated. When a deposit payment is required for a job, the top of the page will display an amount Due Today.
At the bottom of this page, the Job's Balance, Paid Amount, Payment Terms, and Payment Due Date (if available) will always be displayed.
New Report Available: Reconciliation Report
To further help ensure the accuracy of your financial records, we released a Reconciliation report that is available to Merchants. This report is temporarily in Beta Mode and can be found with the other Merchant reports available (see screenshot below). We hope you find this report to be a valuable tool with some of the following features:
- Funding by Day. The Funding by Day section allows you to see the details of each deposit made to your account. Because not all transactions on a particular day are deposited at the same time, this section will give you insight into what was and was not included in a day's deposit.
- Transactions by Day. Because not all transactions are deposited at the same time, it can be confusing if your records show a certain amount of business was done on a particular day, but the deposit does not match what you were expecting. Using the Transactions by Day, you can reconcile what you expected to see each day regardless of when the transaction was deposited.
- Print Mode for Easy Reconciliation. We've added checkboxes to help you check off each item after printing out the report and reconciling the particular transaction or deposit.
Fixes and Improvements
On email communications that include the company logo, the size of the logo file is now consistently formatted:
Fix: On the daily transaction report, in cases where there exist transactions with surcharges and payments that paid multiple invoices the summed total on the report was not correct. This is now fixed.
Fix: On a multiple quantity quote, selecting a new quantity and then re-selecting the original qty returns the page to the original state displaying the subtotal and tax calculations. Previously in this scenario, the totals remained with values of TBD.