Print Reach Central v3.12.0 Release Notes Follow
Payment History
For Merchants and Consumer users, there is a new Payment History module. This module will display payments received in the MIS (Printer's Plan and Midnight). For Printer's Plan customers, this feature requires an updated version of the Printer's Plan API (version date 12/15/2023 or later). This module can be enabled from the Merchant Admin section on the Payment Settings page:
The Payment History section has the following fields and options:
Show Payment History: This field has the following options.
- Off - This selection disables the Payment History Module for both consumer and merchant users.
- Consumers Only - This selection enables the Payment History Module for Consumer users (Permission Dependent).
- Merchants Only - This selection enables the Payment History Module for Merchant users (Permission Dependent).
- Merchants and Consumer - This selection enables the Payment History Module for Merchant and Consumer users (Permission Dependent).
- Enable Date Limit: When enabled, this option can be used to limit the payments that are displayed based on the payment date.
When the Payment History page is enabled for a Merchant, a Merchant user will see the following menu option:
Selecting Payment History will display the following grid:
This grid will have the following fields and options:
Customer - Displays the name of the customer associated with payment.
- Payment Date - Displays the date the payment was received by the MIS (Printer's Plan or Midnight).
- Amount Paid - Displays the total amount of the payment including any Program Fee.
- Payment Method - Displays the payment method.
- Transaction ID - Displays Print Reach Pay Transaction ID.
- Check/Ref # - Displays the check or reference number for the payment.
- Applied To - Displays where the payment was applied to in the MIS.
- View Receipt (Action Button) - When clicked a side panel view of the receipt is displayed. From this view, the receipt can be printed, emailed, or downloaded.
When the Payment History module is enabled for a Consumer, a Consumer user will see the following menu option:
Selecting Payment History will display the following grid:
This grid will have the following fields and options:
- Payment Date - Displays the date the payment was received by the MIS (Printer's Plan or Midnight).
- Amount Paid - Displays the total amount of the payment, including any Program Fee.
- Payment Method - Displays the payment method.
- Transaction ID - Displays Print Reach Pay Transaction ID.
- Check/Ref # - Displays the check or reference number for the payment.
- Applied To - Displays where the payment was applied to in the MIS.
- View Receipt (Action Button) - When clicked a side panel view of the receipt is displayed. From this view, the receipt can be printed, or downloaded.
Clicking on the Payment Amount, or Action button for a transaction will display a copy of the receipt. From this view the receipt can be downloaded, printed, or emailed.
Job Link Action Buttons
On the Job Link Quote, the action buttons (Approve, Request Changes, Decline) have been moved to a fixed footer at the bottom of the screen.
Fixed Save Button Location
On the Merchant Settings pages, the Save button is now fixed on the footer bar at the bottom of the page:
Updated Save Mechanism
To help reduce the number of clicks, the Save mechanism in Print Reach Central has been updated. When the Save button is clicked, the button text will change to "Saving" indicating that the changes are being saved. When this process is completed, the text of the button will change to Saved.
Monthly Statement Message Alerts
On the monthly Merchant Statement, if there is an important message, this will be noted at the top of the document:
On the last page of the statement, the message will be displayed:
Job Link
If available, the Job Link Order/Invoice page will include the item's Tracking Number:
Payment Receipt for Voided Transactions:
On a voided transaction the payment receipt now lists the amounts being voided.
Customer Level Program Fees [Printer's Plan]
Print Reach Central is now able to use the customer-level Program Fees established in Printer's Plan. Previously, only the Global Program Fees were being used, and the customer-level rates were ignored.
Improvements and Fixes:
Improvement: On the Unpaid Invoices list, when viewing an invoice in the side panel the Pay Now button is no longer displayed. Instead, payments should be entered using the payment fields at the top of the page.
Improvement: When viewing an invoice from the All Invoices grid, clicking the Payment button will now open a popup window allowing the entry of a payment against the job.
Improvement: Confirmation Alerts have been updated to use the Print Reach Central formatting and color scheme.
Improvement: The Reports>Transactions Report now defaults to a time period of the last seven days. Previously this report defaulted to a time period of last month. This new date range will speed up the amount of time it takes to initially display the report.
Improvement: The Reports>Funding Summary>Non-Transaction Fee report will now display amounts extended to five decimal places.
Improvement: The All Invoices grid now implements Lazy Loading which improves the load times of the data generated for this list.
Improvement: The Consumer user All Invoices, and Unpaid Invoices, data grids can now be exported to a .CSV file.
Improvement: The user interface of the Order Status, Quote Status, and Payment Terms mapping tables has been updated. The height of the window header has been reduced and the + New button is relocated to the top right corner.
Improvement: On the Merchant Settings pages there were inconsistencies with the field padding and field widths. This is now adjusted so that the fields are consistent in their appearance.
Improvement: The load time for the All Invoices list has been improved.
Fix: On the Order and Quote list, when expanding a job to display the items there was extra spacing before the next job row appeared. This extra spacing has been removed.
Fix: Corrected rounding issues with the Monthly Statements and Reconciliation report.
Fix: There was an issue on the New Payment page where the Enter Payment and Email Payment Link buttons did not work if the integration with the MIS was not properly configured. This is now fixed and these buttons will work regardless of the status of the MIS integration.
Fix: On the New Payment Page you cannot email a payment link unless the subtotal amount is greater than zero.
Fix: On the Job Link quote, the price value was not properly aligned in the column. This is now fixed.
Fix: When viewing detailed information originating from a grid, such as an online quote, or an open invoice, clicking the browser's back button did not return to the source grid. This is now fixed.
Fix: When saving a new Security Role a specific sequence causes a 500 error, this is now fixed.