Print Reach Central v4.2.0 Release Notes Follow
Job Link - Pay Now button.
When viewing a Job that requires payment, the Pay Now button has been moved to the bottom of the page as part of the fixed footer:
User Account and Security Role Defaults.
When a new user account is created (Merchant or Consumer) a default Security Role is automatically assigned to that account. This change applies to both newly created Merchant users and Consumer users.
Merchant User Defaults
On the Admin>Security Roles> Role Detail page for a Merchant Role there is a new field labeled "Set this role as the default for"
This field has the following options:
- This role is not used as a default value for a new user: This option indicates that the security role is not a default role for new users.
- New Merchant User: This option indicates that the security role will be assigned as the default value for newly created merchant user accounts.
- Integrated Merchant User: (Midnight Only) This option indicates that the security role will be assigned as the default value for newly created merchant user accounts that are created via integration with Print Reach Central.
When creating a new Merchant user, the default security role will now be automatically assigned to the account:
Consumer User Defaults
On the Admin>Security Roles> Role Detail page for a Consumer Role there is a new field labeled "Set this role as the default for"
This field has the following options:
- This role is not used as a default value for a new user: This option indicates that the security role is not a default role for new users.
- New Consumer User: This option indicates that the security role will be assigned as the default value for newly created consumer user accounts.
New Walk-in Consumer User: (Printer's Plan Only) This option indicates that the security role will be assigned as the default value for the newly created consumer user under the following conditions:
- The Consumer account is self-created by the consumer user via the Create Account mechanism.
- The account being created is linked to the Printer's Plan Walk-in account, Customer #31.
Additionally, the Security Role page for a consumer user account now includes the following fields:
On the User Detail page, under the User Options, there is a new field labeled "Use Security Role Defaults"
When this option is checked, the "Show Online Jobs and Invoices Assigned To", and "Show Payment Method Assigned To" fields are disabled. These fields are set to the values linked to the user's assigned security role.
When the Use Security Role Defaults option is not checked, the "Show Online Jobs and Invoices Assigned To", and "Show Payment Method Assigned To" fields are enabled and can be modified for that specific user:
New Payment Window.
The New Payment window has been redesigned to capture additional space. Previously, stored payment methods were listed on a single page, in this update, the payment methods are now available in a drop-down list.
Job Link Mobile View
When viewing a Job on a mobile device the fields and data are now properly formatted:
Reports>Transaction Search
The Reports>Transaction> Advanced search section has been modified with the following changes:
- Previously, the field labels were listed above the field box. Now, the field labels are listed as part of the field border, this change reduces the amount of space required for each field.
- A new Request ID search field is added to the page, searching by this field ignores the other search filters enabled on the page.
- The search function of the Transaction ID field was modified, searching by this field ignores the other search filters enabled on the page.
Improvements and Fixes.
Improvement: On the Job Details page, if a job has a Shipped Date this information is now displayed:
Improvement: On some of the lists the search fields were case-sensitive, this is now improved and the search criteria are no longer case-sensitive.
Improvement: The Payment History receipt has been modified to include additional information, for example, the receipt for a check payment will now print the check number on the document.
Improvement: When processing a payment from Print Reach Central the Request ID field will now include information that indicates the source of the payment.
Improvement: The footer bar has been updated with a gradient background.
Improvement: Previously when entering an amount in a currency field the first typed digit was captured in the second decimal place. This has been changed so that the first entered number will start to the left of the decimal place.
Improvement: When viewing a Job Link job on a smaller screen size the page now dynamically adjusts to properly display the information:
Fix: On the Unpaid Invoices list, after applying a global filter and exporting the data to a .csv file clearing the filter did not reset the list. This is now fixed and the list will be reset to the default values when clearing the filter.
Fix: Previously, the Amount column on the Reports> Transaction reports was sorted alphabetically, now it sorts based on the numerical value.
Fix: Fixed some of the sorting and filtering options on the Payment History list, specifically filtering by the Payment Method field.