Editing Job Categories and using them in your Workflow Follow
Job categories can be used for several aspects within MyOrderDesk. From notifications to filtering the job history. It's a useful tool for site owners and staff or even end-users. Below you will find instructions on how to use and edit them.
Adding Job Categories and assigning colors.
You can edit the Job Categories by opening the editing screen. Click the Edit button located near any place you can assign categories to jobs, for example, the top of a job or the bottom of the history page. To edit the category select it on the left-hand side. From there you can type your Description, Internal Notes, or assign a Color by clicking the colored button when updating or creating categories. If you don't want to use a color you can use the checkbox for No Color if you prefer not to use colors with categories.
Below is a history page showing three jobs, each with different categories and colors. This will be most useful to identify high priority jobs, or specific categories you need to review.
Assigning Job Categories to Order Forms
Job categories can be assigned to specific order forms.
This means that when an order is placed using that form, the item will automatically be assigned that category. This can be used to quickly sort items on the Order History page.
When assigning categories through the order form, the category will be assigned to the item instead of the job itself. This means that there are technically two levels of job categories: item-level and job-level.
This means that you can have two items with different item-level categories while having the same job-level category. Also, you can have the opposite, two items with the same item-level category but each job have their own category as well.
Here is an example of two different item categories but the same job categories:
Here is an example of two items with the same category and two jobs with different:
MyOrderDesk Job Category Notifications.
In MyOrderDesk it is possible to set up your employees to receive notifications specific to one or more categories. This is done by using a combination of MyOrderDesk’s notifications system and the categories. Go to the Employees profile and click the Job Categories section. You may want to use this for something like department-specific notifications, like Proofing or Production.
Once there, you will see a list of all categories that are available. By default, categories do not send notifications and are viewable and assignable.
You can change each category for your employees to one of 4 privileges. You can select multiple categories by holding the shift key down to make this a little quicker.
The function of each of the pillage levels is as follows.
- Assignable: The employee can assign the job to one of the following categories.
- Viewable & Assignable: Adds the permission of being able to view the job while it is in that category.
- Viewable & Assignable with Notifications: The fullest of the permission set. This is the permission level required to receive an email notification when a job enters a specific category.
- Not Viewable: Employee/vendor can not access this category. Use this when an employee can ignore jobs while they are in that category.
Search by Multiple Categories on the History Page.
When using categories you sometimes want to check on a few specific categories to see the status of those jobs. Below you can see a search page with 4 jobs on it and we only want to see those with Ready for Delivery/Pickup.
To do so just open up your search tools and select the categories you would like to see, to select multiple you can either click and drag or hold Ctrl + Click. Once you have your search setting ready make sure to click Apply.
Once you are using a filter you'll notice the button indicates that search filters are applied, to remove the filter open the tools panel again and click Reset.