Setting up Print Reach Pay Payment Method Follow
In this article, we will demonstrate how to set up a Print Reach Pay Payment Method. Print Reach Pay allows users to pay with credit and debit cards during the checkout process. Also included in this article you will find details on some of the other great benefits of using Print Reach Pay, such as:
- Storing Credit and Debit Cards for Future Purchases.
- Enable Direct Pay Option to your Website.
- Apply a Program Fee at Checkout.
- Send Request Payment link for past purchases.
This article assumes you have already worked with our Servicing team to get set up with this payment method, and that you have a MerchantID available to you. If you do not have a MerchantID please contact the support team and they will assist you with your next steps to getting started with Print Reach Pay.
Once your account is set up with Print Reach Pay, you will want to add it to your storefront as an option for your customers.
Start Here:
Use the Administration Menu to navigate to Shopping Cart > Payment Methods
Step 1. Select Your Payment Method
Using the Add Payment Method drop down menu, select "Print Reach Pay".
Step 2. Complete the Payment Settings
Name - We recommend naming the payment method "Credit or "Credit Card." This is what will display to your customer in the storefront.
- Enabled - When you are ready for the payment method to be available, select the Enabled button. You will still need to make the payment method available to one or more of your Groups before it will be an option in the checkout process.
- Auto Lock Job - Select this option to prevent users from making changes to the order after the payment is submitted. (Recommended).
- Require Bill-To Address - This is a required field.
- Quickbooks Enabled - If you are using the integration with Quickbooks, you can enable it for this payment method here.
Display At - You can choose when this Payment Method displays during checkout. See below for your options:
- Checkout (complete) - The Payment method will only be displayed if all items have pricing. The option will not display if any of the items have N/A for price.
- Checkout (partial) - Payment method is displayed to the user at checkout when at least one item has a price.
- Request Payment - This option allows you to request payment from the customer after the order is placed. You may want to set up a payment option of "Invoice me later" or "Will Pay Later," etc. Then, inside the order detail (Order History > Detail) you can request the customer make a payment. The customer will be sent an email with a link that will take them to their Order History where they can Make a Payment using this credit card method. Where the credit card option was not initially available to them in the store, it could be now.
See below where the customer is able to place the order without using the credit card:
Here you can see that you are able to request your customer to make a payment in the Order History > Detail.
See below an example of what your customer may see in the email sent to them asking that they make a payment. The text "Please pay me now, the job is done" was customizable. The customer uses the link to make the payment.
When the customer goes to make the payment, they are taken through the same ordering pages with the credit card now being available to them. They select the Make Payment button and will be prompted for their credit card details as usual.
*Important - In order for this to work, you need to set up the credit card payment method to not display at Checkout, but to Display when Requesting Payment. See the screenshot below.
Availability - You can set a date to start this payment method, or to have it disabled.
Print Reach Pay Fields
Merchant - When you sign up with Print Reach Pay, you will be given a Merchant ID. Our Servicing team would have set this up on your account so that it will be displayed in the dropdown window. In most cases you will only have one MerchantID for your business, and you can use that same Merchant for any combination of Print Reach products. If you have more than one MerchantID, then you will see them in the dropdown and can select which one you would like to use for the storefront you are setting up.
Credit Card Charge Modes
- Auth-Capture (Recommended) - An authorization of the credit card with immediate capture of the payment.
- Auth Only - An authorization of the credit card for the amount agreed to pay. With this method, the buyer's funds are on hold until you go into the Order History > Detail page and Capture the payment. You might want to do this if the customer does not want to be billed until after the job has been completed, but this does add an extra step to your process. This is why we recommend using Authorize and Capture at the same time. See below.
Displayed Card Types - Print Reach Pay offers Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. By selecting which card type you accept, these icons will display to your customer in the store alongside the Payment Method name you defined.
Customer Card Storage - If you would like your customers to have the option to store their credit and debit cards, you can enable it here. More detail on this option can be found at the end of this article.
Manage Credit Card Transactions - Select the link to MerchantTrack to log into your MerchantTrack website. In MerchantTrack you will be able to view and manage your transactions for all the products at Print Reach that you have integrated with. You can also request funds using the Virtual Terminal inside of MerchantTrack as well as run reports.
*TIP: You can bookmark the link to the login so that MerchantTrack is easily accessible. It will require that you enter in your MyOrderDesk username and password if you are not already logged in.
Step 3. Enable the Payment Method for your Group(s)
- Navigate to the Users & Groups page to enable the Payment Method for your group(s).
- Select a group that will be using this Payment Method.
- Select Checkout Options from the Group navigation bar.
- Click on the row of the Payment Method you want to Assign to this Group.
- Select the Assign button.
6. Turn On the Payment Method for the Group.
The Print Reach Pay payment method should now be complete.
Storing Credit and Debit Cards for Future Purchases
If you have enabled the option to Store Credit and Debit Cards, your customer will be able to choose during the checkout process whether they want to take advantage of this service or not.
A new Wallet option will also become available on their My Account page. In this area, all of their stored cards will display. As you can see in the screenshot below, they will have the ability to update their expiration date, delete the card from their stored cards on file, as well as set which of their cards (if they have more than one) as the default that they want to show as the first option on the checkout page.
The first card saved will be the Default on the Checkout page, unless the customer changes this in their Wallet.
The other situation where the Default will change, is if there is more than one card on file and the expiration date of the Default card has been reached. As seen in the image below, if the customer would like to update an expired card during checkout so it can be used, they can select the Update Card option. This option will bring them to their Wallet so it can be updated. When they return to the Checkout page, it will be available to use.
The customer is able to choose the default card, or use a new card as seen below.
If you disable the ability to store cards for future use in the Print Reach Pay Payment method settings, the customers cards will remain on file, but the ability to see them and select them during checkout will be removed.
Enable Direct Pay Option to your Website
When you sign up for Print Reach Pay, you are also given access to Print Reach Central where you can take advantage of other benefits available to you. One of those benefits is to give your customers a way to make a payment to you after their job is complete. We discussed earlier that you can go to your MyOrderDesk Job and Request Payment by sending your customer a link by email. There is another option, and that is to add a link in your storefront that they can go to at any time. This link will allow them to enter their invoice number, the amount they want to pay, and then they can enter their credit card details.
Getting the details from Print Reach Central
- Log in to Print Reach Central with the unique URL you were given.
- Select the gear icons for your Admin area at the bottom left of the screen.
- In the Print Reach Pay Settings area on the right, check the box for Enable Direct Pay
- Select the Preview button and copy the URL from your browser window.
Creating the link in a MOD website
- Log in to the storefront you want to add the Direct Pay link to.
- Navigate to Site Settings > Display Elements.
- Select the pencil icon for the Mega Menu.
- Add a new Container Menu Item.
- Give the Link a Name (ie: Pay Now, Pay Invoice, etc.) and choose the Custom option.
- In the Links To text box, paste the URL you copied in Print Reach Central.
- Save.
You'll see that you now have a link on your website that any customer can conveniently go to and make a credit card payment to you. The payment will be logged in Merchant Track, and your customer will receive a Transaction Receipt for the payment they made.
Add Credit Card Program Fee at Checkout
Refer to the screenshots below to understand the various areas of MyOrderDesk that were updated to support this feature.
Enable the Fee: You can customize the Name for this Fee and specify if it should be calculated by a specific dollar amount or a percentage. Go to Admin > Shopping Cart > Payment Methods > Select your Print Reach Pay Payment Method.
If you use User Groups to charge your customers different rates, note that only one instance of the Print Reach Pay method can display at a time in the storefront. If a user belongs to two groups and each have a different payment method, the first one found will be used. Plan carefully with this in mind.
Program Fee on the Order Review Page: When a fee is enabled, a note will be added in the Payment section alerting your customer that if they use the Credit Card option, their order will incur a fee. The Name and Rate you set up will be displayed.
The amount is taken after calculating Subtotal + Tax + Shipping - Discount.
The Surcharge on the Order Confirmation Page:
Option to Override the fee that was taken in Order Detail:
If you need to edit the Name of the fee or the amount taken, you can do that by viewing the Order Detail. As with other areas that can be edited after the order is placed, you can choose to notify your customer that a change was made to their order.
Program Fee Included on Job Ticket Report:
The fee when taken will be included on the Job Ticket:
Program Fee Name and Amount Available for Custom Reports:
You can add two new columns to Custom Reports you create for the Surcharge.
The Surcharge will pass to the following Integrated Solutions:
- Printer's Plan
- Midnight
- Quickbooks
- DocketManager
If you have questions or would like extra support on this topic please call 866.770.7561 opt 2. or open a support ticket.