Print Reach Central v1.1.7 and v1.1.8 Release Notes (02/28/2022) Follow
PRC Version 1.1.7 and 1.1.8 - New in this Version:
Security Roles
User accounts created in Print Reach Central can now be assigned built-in, or custom security roles. The security roles can be configured to provide the following levels of access:
- Read + Write Access
- Read Only Access
- No Access
These permission levels can be set on the Module, Page and Field/Button level:
To Create/Edit or Clone a Security Role select the Security Roles menu option from the Admin Panel:
Selecting this option will display the list of Security Roles:
This list will have the following columns and features:
Add New Role [Button]: Clicking this button will allow the user to create a new role.
Role Name: Displays the user defined role name.
Role Type: Displays the role type, a role type can be either Built-In or Custom. Built-In security roles cannot be modified.
Role Scope: Displays the role scope. A security role scope can apply to a Merchant or Consumer user. Once a role scope is set this value cannot be changed.
User Count: Displays the number of users assigned to the security role.
Active: Displays if the role is currently active or disabled. Only active roles can be assigned to a user.
Clone Icon: Clicking the Clone button duplicates the security role.
Edit Icon: Clicking Edit button allows you to edit the security role.
Deactivate Role Icon: Clicking the Deactivate Role button allows you to deactivate the security role. Please note, a security role cannot be deactivated if a user is currently assigned to the role.
Add/Edit a Security Role
When adding a new security role, or editing an existing role, the properties page of the security role will be displayed:
This page has the following fields and options:
Active: This checkbox sets the role as active or inactive.
Role Scope: The role scope is set when a role is first created and can be set as either a Consumer Role, or a Merchant role. Once a role scope is set it cannot be changed.
Role Name: This is the user defined name of the role.
Set Role Permissions
To set the permissions of security role, while editing or creating a new role click the Permissions tab at the top of the page to display the Permissions Page:
On the permissions page each Module and Page will be listed. This page has the following fields and functions:
Module Permission Slider (On/OFF): This slider will grant, or deny access to the module for users assigned to the role.
Page Access: Each page in a module can be assigned an access level. This access level would include the following options:
- Read + Write: Allows the user to view and edit data on the page.
- Read Only: Allows to user to view but not change data on the page.
- No Access: The user will not be able to view or edit the page.
Edit Field Permissions: Clicking this button will open a window that displays a list of fields/buttons on the pages within a module.
Each field/button in this window can be set to On, or Off. If an field is set to On, then the user will have permission to access that field. If a field is set to Off, the user will only have read access to that field.
Assigning a security role to a user account.
In the properties page of a user account there is a security role field:
Clicking on this field will display a list of available security roles for the user account. After selecting a role, click the Save button to save the changes.
ACH Tokens
In the Payment window, when entering a New Payment Method, if the Payment Type field is set to ACH you can now save this payment method for use on future transactions.
When entering a payment as a Merchant or Consumer user, you can now selected a stored ACH Payment method from the Payment window:
WWW Resolving
When navigating to[Domain] if the www was not included in the address a 404 error was returned. This is now fixed and the user will be redirected to the login page for the domain.
Expanded Country Processing
When processing a payment on the hosted payment page (and all locations in Print Reach Central), if a country other than the United States or Canada was selected the payment failed, this is now fixed.