Print Reach Central v2.0.1 Release Notes (05/02/2022) Follow
PRC Version 2.0.1 - New in this Version:
Revised Hosted Payment Page
In this release, the hosted payment page has been updated to a modernized, responsive page design:
Login/Account Creation from the Hosted Payment Page
(Please Note: For Printer's Plan this feature requires the Printer's Plan API from 5/02/2022 or later)
When logged in as a Merchant Admin, on the HPP Details page there is a new option to Enable Account Login/Creation on the Hosted Payment Page:
When this option is enable, on the hosted payment page the options to Login, or Create Account, will be displayed:
When a consumer user logs in from the Hosted Payment Page they will have access to their stored payment methods:
While logged in, if the end user is making a payment using a New Payment Method they will now have the option to save this payment method for future use:
Create Account:
When the end user clicks the Create Account button on the Hosted Payment Page, the Create Account window will be displayed:
When creating a new account, the Create Account page has the following fields:
- Username: This field stores the unique username for the user account.
- Email: Email address for the user account.
- Password/Re-Type Password: New password for the user account.
When the Create My Account button is clicked Print Reach Central will attempt to create a new consumer user for the merchant site. To create this account the following criteria need to be met:
- The username has to be unique, Print Reach Central will provide an alert if the username is not unique.
- The email address has to be linked to a single contact account in the back-end database (Printer's Plan, Midnight, etc.).
When account creation conditions are true, the user account is created and a verification email is sent to the email address of the new user account:
Email verification:
When the user clicks on the Verify Email button the account is marked as verified and the user will be returned to the logged in version of the hosted payment page.
Merchant Settings - Account Notification:
When a consumer account is successfully created, or if there was a failure in the account creation process, a Merchant Admin user can be notified of these events. To enable this notification, navigate to the User Details page of the merchant account and enable the Account Creation Notifications option:
Merchant Settings - Manually Verifying an Account:
If a consumer user is unable to verify their account using the Verify Email button (from the email message), this action can be performed manually by a Merchant Admin. To do this, as a Merchant Admin user navigate to the User Details page of the newly created consumer account. On this page set the Account Verified field to True and save the changes.
Direct Payment Page Changes:
The following changes were made to the Direct Payment Page:
- When logged in as a Merchant Admin user, on the Merchant Settings page you can modify the settings of the Direct Pay page. In this update, you can customize the label text of the Invoice Number field that is displayed on the Direct Pay page:
- The Invoice Number field on the Direct Pay page now accepts the following special characters: Space, Comma, Colon and Semicolon. This field is limited to 50 characters:
- The Payment Amount field now correctly formats the payment amount as a currency: