Advanced UDF Fields - MKB0140 Follow
There are some effects that can take place once you've created a field of a specific name.
Below is a list of some of those effects that you can add to your form.
These fields generally extend or alter the functionality of an order or a form in a very specific way.
To use these create a Field with this exact name on your form.
SFNoReset - Stops fields from losing their values when SmartForms hides the fields. This effect is useful if you are planning on temporarily hiding information to save space and that information needs to be kept. This will affect every field in your order form by being on the order form. We recommend hiding this field. This field on your form will change SmartForms behavior, no other configuration is needed. This will be a Text Field.
CartDueDate - Allows you to set a "Cart Due By" on single item carts that skip checkout. This field will be shown to end-users and is where they select their Date. This will be a Datepicker field
CartNotes - Allows you to use the "Cart Order Notes" free-text field for order notes on single item carts that skip checkout. This field will be shown to end-users and is where they will type their notes. Usually a Notes field.
Category - Allows you to set the category of an item by passing a category ID. The field need to contain the value of the category. This is generally a hidden field. Usually a QuickPrice field.
ItemComments - This allows you to pass information to the Item notes to Printer's Plan and any other MIS system that takes advantage of this field. This has the same function as mod_JobNotes but can be overridden with this field for more customization.