Hiding DocMart elements on an Order Form or Catalog Follow
DocMart has the ability to hide some or all of the elements on their Order Forms or Catalogs.
Below you will find two sections, one describing Order Forms and one describing Catalogs
For Order Forms
1) Begin by adding a script field to your Job Form...
2) Then copy and paste the script below into the field value box:
EXAMPLE: To hide "In Stock"
.dm-stock {display:none;}
NOTE: ".dm-stock" shown above and can be substituted for any of the items listed below:
A) .dm-stock - In Stock link
B) .dm-history - History link
C) .dm-price - Single Item price
D) .dm-taxable - Taxable flag
E) .dm-weight - Weight
F) .dm-min - Min order amount
G) .dm-max - Max order amount
H) .dm-incr - Increment amount
I) .dm-attr - All the above.
j) .dm-total - The total price of the Item.
A visual key to the items listed above is as follows:
You can also hide this information site-wide by placing the following information within the SEO/Code area:
.dm-attr {display:none;}
.dm-total {display:none;}
You access this area by going to MyAccount > Site Settings > SEO/Code > Code
For Catalogs
Catalogs can be customized by placing the code below into the "Description" fields of the Catalog or into the SEO/Code page of your site.
EXAMPLE: To hide In Stock/History
.dm-stock-history {display:none;}
To change the elements you are hiding or add more, use the list below to add to the code above.
A) .dm-desc - Item Description
B) .dm-stock-history - In Stock/Hisotry
C) .dm-price - Item price
D) .dm-weight - Item weight
E) .dm-min - Min order amount
F) .dm-max - Max order amount
G) .dm-incr - Increment amount
I) .dm-info - All the above.
A visual key to the items listed above is as follows:
You can also hide this information site-wide by placing this code within the SEO/Code area:
You access this area by going to MyAccount > Site Settings > SEO/Code > Code