Set up a Default Payment Account Follow
Assign a payment account to newly added customers
When adding new customers, you have the ability to default a payment account to the Postage Details tab, saving you from manually having to go back and add the account to the CRM record when you go to receive your first payment for the customer.
You may set up the default in Admin (the gear in the top-right hand corner of the screen). After accessing Admin, click Global Settings within the Edit Lists on the left side of the screen. Once it opens, locate the CRM tab (scroll to the right within the blue menu at the top).
Near the bottom of the CRM tab, there is a drop-down for “Default postage account for new customers”.
Select the account you wish to default when new customers are added. After you make your selection, click the green Save button (on the top-right).
Click OK.
Midnight will default your selection within CRM when you add new customers.