Job Link User Guide Follow
Job Link is a feature that allows you to easily share your quotes, orders, and invoices with your customers online. They can then view, approve, and even pay for their jobs directly through a secure web portal. This streamlines the entire process, reducing back-and-forth communication and saving valuable time.
This User guide will walk you through the configuration options that can be applied to Job Link and then the workflow for using Job Link with Printer's Plan and Print Reach Pay.
Getting Started
- Please reference our Job Link Configuration Guide for initial setup instructions.
Configuration Options
In order to use Job Link settings in both Printer's Plan and Print Reach Central will need to be reviewed and updated to reflect your preferences.
Printer's Plan Configuration Options
These settings are located in the 'SETTINGS' tab in the 'Print Reach Pay' folder. Click Job Link to open the window in the screenshot below.
- Enable Job Link: This checkbox is required to be enabled or checked in order to use the Job Link features with Printer's Plan.
- Order, Quote, and History Job Options: There are three sections labeled Order Options, Quote Options, and History Job Options. Each of these sections contains an option for the following:
- Email Template*: When issuing Job Link requests, this file will be the template used for the email layout. *Default email templates will be provided by Print Reach Software and are attached to this knowledge base article.
- Email Recipient: This is the default recipient for the email communications regarding these types of jobs (Either active order, quote, or history job.).
- Attach Invoice/Quote PDF: This option is available for each section (Order, Quote, History Job) and allows the email template to automatically attach the PDF for the Quote or Invoice related to the job.
- Save: Make sure to save all changes.
Print Reach Central Configuration Options
Your Print Reach Central domain (Typically will contain additional configuration options that will need to be reviewed in order to use Job Link.
- Enable Online Job View: Activates the Job Link job view for customers to access.
- Require Login To View Job: Enforces a requirement for customers to create accounts to view invoices via provided URLs.
- Require Login To Perform An Action: Enforces a requirement for customers to create an account and log in before they can perform any interactions with the provided Job Link quote or invoice URL.
Job Type Settings:
In this section there are individual options for orders and quotes.
Job Type = 0 Order Settings / Job Type = 1 Quote Settings
- Job Type Name: The displayed order or quote naming conventions.
- Enable Navigation Menu: Enables/Disables the ability to navigate between pages in Print Reach Central for Job Link features.
- Navigation Menu Name: The naming convention for the Orders or Quotes menu.
- Job or Quote Status Settings: The ability to control status updates in Job Link based on updates made in Printer's plan regarding production.
- Job or Quote Detail Page Footer Text: When viewing the Job Link Jobs via the provided URL: You can update the footer text to communicate additional important information to the customer.
Job Type = 1 Quote Settings
- Enable Date Limit: This can be enabled or disabled to enforce a date expiration for what quotes can be viewed online by customers.
- Only Show Quotes For: Select the time frame for which you want to show quotes to customers.
Job Details Page Options
- Enable Item and Quantity Selection: Allows or disallows certain interactions with the Job Link Job or Quote
- Display Unit Price (Additional Quantities Pricing Only): Shows or hides Unit Price when a quote presents multiple quantities for the customer to choose from.
Job Detail Page Item Options
- Edit Quotes Footer Text: Change the footer text at the bottom of the quote page presented to the customer via Job Link.
Email Notification Settings
- Notify Job CSR: The CSR assigned to the quote or order will be updated via email for notifications.
- Notify Job Sales Rep: The assigned sales rep to the quote or order will receive email updates.
- Notify Customer User: When changes take place, the customer user will be notified via email.
- Other: Manually type in additional email addresses who should get notified by default when email notifications are issued.
Using Job Link For Quoting and Invoicing
- Open or create a quote.
Click on the "Email Job Link" button.
Review the pre-defined email message.
- (Optional) Attach a PDF copy of the invoice/quote. The pre-defined email can optionally include a PDF copy of the invoice/quote. If you want to include this attachment, make sure the "Attach PDF" option is set to "Yes".
- Click "Send": A note is left in the quote's 'Job Notes'.
The contact will receive a Job Link email containing a clickable link to access Job Link.
Interacting with the Job Link Page
- Review Job or Quote Data: The customer can view a comprehensive summary of the job, including the job number, date, itemized list of products/services, shipping and billing information, and payment status.
- Approve Quantity: For quotes, customers can directly approve the chosen quantity from the options presented to them through the portal.
- Request Changes: The customer can send note information regarding this job back to the shop. These updates are reflected in the 'job Notes' field in Printer's Plan.
- Decline: This job will be marked as 'Lost' in Printer's Plan and any notes will carry over into the 'Job Notes' section of Printer's Plan.
- Approve: Converts this quote to an active order. A new job is created and the quote is considered won. The customer will be redirected to the new job window.
- Make Secure Online Payments: Once converted to a job, the customer can apply a payment through a Print Reach Pay payment portal.
The Approval Process
Once a customer clicks 'Approve' on a quote, they will be presented with a confirmation page before being taken to the new order.
Completing the Transaction
- Upon successful payment, Print Reach Pay sends the payment data to Printer's Plan, updating the job and payment totals.
- The customer may receive an email receipt if configured by the print provider.
- Once finalized, the standard workflow for Order Processing occurs.
- Reversing: Reversing transactions through Printer's Plan will reverse the card transaction if it not yet batched. Otherwise, the amount will be removed from the account on file and updated via next batching.
This completes the transaction workflow. For any questions regarding Job Link's usage or configuration, please reach out to