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Setting up Midnight for integration with QuickBooks Online
In order to utilize Midnight with QuickBook Online, the following steps need to be taken within Midnight:
1. Select the QuickBooks Online as your software package in Midnight
2. Set up your Accounting Preferences in Midnight
3. Map your Tax Codes in Midnight to the appropriate accounting codes in QuickBooks Online.
4. Map your Services in Midnight to the appropriate accounting codes in QuickBooks Online.
5. Map your Postage accounts in Midnight to the appropriate accounting codes in QuickBooks Online.
6. Ensure that your Customer information in Midnight matches the appropriate fields in QuickBooks.
Note about spelling and spacing: The field that is used to map customers between QuickBooks Online and Midnight is the Company Name field. As such, your customer’s billing Company name in Midnight must exactly match the Company name in QuickBooks Online in spelling, spacing, and capitalization. Likewise when setting up your information in Midnight, your general ledger accounts (GLIDs) and Items must match.
QuickBooks Online Accounting Setup
To set up Midnight to work with QuickBooks Online, click on Accounting Integration under Company Settings.
Select QuickBooks Online from the Accounting System drop-down menu.
Mapping Default Accounts
- Default Account Name for Account Receivable Account – Enter the Accounts Receivable account name or number from QuickBooks Online.
- Default Account Name for Account Payable Account – Enter the Accounts Payable account name or number from QuickBooks Online.
- Select if you want your Purchase Orders to import as a BILL or PURCHASE ORDER.
Setting Up Account GLID
Within Admin, click on Account GLIDs
Before you can attach GLID Codes to your Services in Midnight, you will need to add them under Account GLID. The GLID in Midnight maps to the Sales/Income account name or number set up in your QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts list. Add each general ledger account you wish to use in Midnight using the line at the bottom of the list. Be sure to click the blue save icon after entering your information.
Setting Up Account Item Codes
Within Admin, click on Account Item Code.
Before you can attach Item Codes to your Services in Midnight, you will need to add them under Account Item Codes. The Item Code in Midnight maps to the Item name or number from your QuickBooks Online Products and Services list.
Add each Item you wish to use in Midnight using the line at the bottom of the list. Be sure to click the blue save icon after entering your information.
Mapping Postage Payment Accounts
Within Admin under Accounting, select Postage Account.
When postage checks are received in Midnight, they need to be recorded against specific accounts in order to export appropriately to QuickBooks Online. There are two pieces to the setup of this particular transaction in Midnight. This administrative table controls the debit account that postage checks will affect when they are exported from Midnight.
• Description – Description of your deposit account
• GLID – The Account name or number is typically a bank account in QuickBooks Online.
*Note: If the GLID field is left blank, and a postage check received is entered using this Payment Account, then that postage check will not create an export file.
• Item Code – Item name or number from your QuickBooks Online Items List.
As you can see from the image above, multiple Payment Accounts can be established so that different type of postage receipts can be directed to different accounts if necessary.
Mapping Postage Types
Within Admin under Accounting, select Postage Types.
The Postage Types List is an integral part of the order-related postage accounting functionality. The list should to be set up with the proper general ledger accounts for funds applied to postage and service balances on orders.
Postage Applied to Order and Postage Applied to Service are used when postage and/or service dollars are applied to an order via the Apply Funds under the Postage tab of an Order. Therefore, these types of postage application need a corresponding GLID and Inv Item in order to integrate with QuickBooks Online correctly. If left blank, the application of funds will not be reflected in your invoice export.
The GLID and Inv Item will indicate how to direct those applied funds to the invoice export file. This is what allows the invoice file to be imported with the actual balance due from the customer. A normal entry in this field is the Customer Postage Deposits liability account, though this can certainly vary, depending on your company’s account structure.
The GLID for both Postage Types is typically deducts from the same account you have setup for customer deposits in QuickBooks Online.
Mapping Tax Codes
Within Admin, under Estimate/Order, select Tax Codes. You will need to map the following fields:
• GLID – Account name or account number from your QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts
• Inv Item – Item Name or Number from your QuickBooks Online Items List
• Payable Acct – The vendor you pay your sales tax to
Mapping Postage Affix
Within Admin, click on Postage and then Postage Affix.
The setup of the Postage Affix List is related to the Postage Inventory function in Postage Accounting. This list can be populated with all of your meters, permits, and stamp denominations that you keep an inventory for and need to track. These selections will be available for postage used on orders.
Note: By leaving the GLID and Inv Item blank, the postage will not be exported to your financial system. This can be utilized for client postage accounts that do not pass through your accounting system.
Mapping Services
Within Admin, under Services Standard Services, you may set up line item so that it maps to the correct GLID and Item in Quickbooks Online. To update a service, select it from the search screen.
To map the service to the proper account in QuickBooks Online, select the desired GLID and Item Code from the respective drop-downs. This will control where each service will appear when imported into QuickBooks Online. If the GLID is blank, the item will not import. The selections in each drop-down will reflect the entries you've added.
Authorizing Users to Export Invoices
In order for users to Export Invoices from Midnight, you will need to modify the Orders module for their security role.
Within Admin under Security, select Create RoleRight. When the screen opens, select the Security Role you want to modify.
Click on the Page radio button, Expand Orders and check the Read/Write check box for OrderExports. Click Submit to save and close the form. Repeat these steps for each Security Role that will be exporting invoices.
Exporting Invoices from Midnight
To export an invoice, click on the Orders module. Under the Quick Links (the drop-down located on the top-right hand corner of the screen), click on Acctg Export to load the Invoice Export form.
Upon accessing the Order Exports screen, Midnight will present you with a list of invoices for Orders that are ready for export.
The following describes the fields shown on the Order Exports screen:
• Many Invoices Per File – will create one file with multiple invoices that are selected
• One Invoice Per File – will create individual files for each invoice selected
• Select All Listed – selects all of the Invoices in the screen
• Include Exported – Show Orders that have already been exported
• 0$ Balances – Display Orders having a balance of $0.00
You can manually select the invoices that you want to export or you can Select All Listed and all invoices on the screen will be checked.
After you click Save&Close, a new window will open.
Click Export Now to create the export file and depending on your Chrome download settings, your file will download automatically or you will be prompted to save the file. The file that is created is ready for you to import into QuickBooks Online.
Importing Invoices from Midnight
Before you can import into QuickBooks Online, you will first need to install the Transaction Pro Importer (TPI) App.
From your QuickBooks Online dashboard, click Apps and search for Transaction Pro Importer.
Click on Get app now.
Click Connect to authorize data sharing between TPI and QuickBooks Online.
Once connected, you can easily import invoices by clicking on Apps ->My Apps and then Launch.
Importing Invoices
To start the import process, click START IMPORT or for a compressive guide on how to use TPI, click Learn How To Import.
The next step is to choose the import type. This document focuses on the Invoice import.
Browse and select the file that you previously downloaded when you exported the invoice from Midnight.
If the file has uploaded successfully, you should see the filename with a green check mark. Click on Select File and Sheet in the bottom right corner of the window.
Click on Import Sheet
The next step is to map the column headings in the .CSV file with the fields in QuickBooks Online. This is typically a one time setup as you can save your mapping options. After you have mapped your fields, click Preview and Import in the bottom right corner of the window.
You can then scroll across to see how the data shows based on your mapping. If everything looks good, click Import in the bottom right corner of the window.
This is to confirm you would like to proceed with the import.
If the import was successful, you should receive a confirmation that your data was successfully imported.
To view the Invoice in QuickBooks Online, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner. This will display your recent transactions.