Special Functions Of The Ask How Many Field Follow
This article will outline the symbols that have special purposes in the 'How Many?' field in the service window.
% : This symbol can add or reduce the total quantity by a percentage.
Example 2: field includes this symbol and the quantity is reduced to the percentage as a total.
On an item, we have a quantity of 1000 and when I select the service the program asks me for the value of 'test'. In both cases, I enter 5. If the service is set up like example 1, I will get a value of 1050 (1000* 1.05). If the service is set up like example 2, I will get a value of 50 (1000*.05)
# : This symbol will trigger special multiplication.
When looking at the following pull-down list each selection has an internal number.
For example, Item Quantity =1, Pages per Set = 2, Sheets Per Set = 3…etc.
If I set the service looks like the image below on an item, the program will multiply the Item Quantity by the Sheets Per Set to get the quantity for this service.

/ : This will divide the Quantity value by the units asked.
Placing the / before the text in the 'How Many' field will trigger division of the quantity entered.
= : This symbol will set the quantity field of the service to a specific value.
For example, the service below will always have a quantity value of 15.

+ : This symbol allows for adding a specified amount to a service.
For example: On an item, the total height is divided by 24, the program will then add 1 to this value.