EzMerge Automatically Switches to the Page Being Edited. Follow
EzMerge templates with multiple pages will now automatically refresh and display the page that has been edited.
This allows for clearer feedback when customizing the templates for an order. Below is an example of a two-page business card being filled out on the first page and then the second page being edited which updated the proof preview screen.
This requires no configuration and will happen automatically unless Auto-Refresh is off.
If the Order Form is using Advanced Auto-Fill, the page of the last rule being auto-filled is the page that will be displayed. For example, if the template that is being filled out has First Name, Last Name, Address 1, and Address 2, and the name is on the first page, and the address is on the second page, the second page would be displayed, since the Address was filled in last, and it is on the second page. To ensure the first page is always displayed after using an autofill rule, make sure the last rule auto-filled is a field from the first page.
To have a template display a default page, open the settings of the template in question. You will find an option to select a default page. This means when you first load up the proof, the default page will display initially. This is useful for if the first page of the template is only artwork, or if page 2 is the only page with variable data.