Checkboxes in Advanced ezMerge - MKB 0057 Follow
Checkboxes in Advanced ezMerge
MKB 0057
The following problem and solution was provided by Buddy Booker. Thanks Buddy!
I am using AEM to create a list of checkbox items on an AEM form. The problem I am having is getting a checkbox to proceed the selections on the PDF file.
For example, when a user select Hearing Screening, the resulting PDF output should show:
(checkbox) Hearing Screening
The user may make several selections and the result should have a checkbox preceding each on the PDF file generated.
What does show is the path to the image. I suppose this is related to trying to put an image in a text field but not really sure about that.
I have also tried unicode but the actual code prints rather than the checkbox character.
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem I was having was font related. I was using wingdings to try to get the checkbox character but AEM font utility would not recognize the true type version. Not having open type, I found this url: and converted my version to .otf. Uploading that did the trick.
I now have checkboxes on my pdf file preceding my selections.