Fulfillment Settings for Integration with MyOrderDesk Follow
MyOrderDesk Admin > Services > Fulfillment
Site Name (Required Field)
A name that uniquely identifies your Fulfillment site. Contact support@printreach.com for this value.
User ID / Password (Required Field)
A valid username and password created in Fulfillment for authenticating responses. Can be created in Administration > Privileges > Employee Logons.
Order Submission
MyOrderDesk can be configured to pass new jobs directly to Fulfillment. In addition to the required fields below, the job will need to be based on an order form with the field udf_MidnightFulfillmentProductID or inv_MidnightFulfillmentProductID (plus a DocMart item with the ProductID in the MIS Item ID field).
Project ID (Required Field)
Project ID found within Manage Accounts > Customer Setup > Project Setup. This is used to assign orders to the correct project within Fulfillment.
Carrier/Service (Required Field)
This is used to assign a Fulfillment recognized carrier/service on MyOrderDesk jobs that are missing a known carrier/service.
Enabling Fulfillment integration will result in all cart based orders being pushed into your Fulfillment system. This must be checked for orders to automatically be sent to Fulfillment.
Inventory Lookup
MyOrderDesk can perform realtime lookups for inventory quantities on hand. In addition to the required fields below, the job will need to be based on an order form with a DocMart field type (inv_MidnightFulfillmentProductID) where the DocMart item has the ProductID in the MIS Item ID field.
Customer ID (Required Field)
Found within Manage Accounts > (select Customer). Used to let MyOrderDesk retrieve inventory levels from a specific customer.
How to Obtain Reporting/Storefront Access
When configuring a MyOrderDesk store to access reports in Fulfillment, one needs to configure the Reporting/Storefront Access section in Services > Fulfillment. These values are:
- Site URL - The URL of the Fulfillment site
- Store UserID - The User ID (Login Name) of an active Storefront User Account for the Project to report on
- Store Password - The Password for the above user account
This document will show you how to obtain the Site URL value and how to configure the Storefront User Account to obtain the User credentials for MyOrder Desk
Site URL
The Site URL is the main URL used to login to Fulfillment. It is typically in the form of:
To obtain this value:
- Navigate to the login page of Fulfillment
- In the URL section of the browser, select the value in the URL bar omitting any characters after ".com"
- Copy the URL
- Paste the value into MyOrderDesk in Services > Fulfillment > Settings > Reporting / Storefront Access > Site URL
Store User ID & Password
To access reports in Fulfillment, you should create a dedicated user account for accessing reports in Fulfillment. Follow these steps to create the user account and to add the credentials to MyOrderDesk:
- Login to Fulfillment
- At the Home Page, click on the Manage Accounts icon.
- In Manage Accounts, click the hyperlink of the Customer account associated with the MOD Store.
- In Customer Setup click on the Logons button.
- In Customer Logons, select the < new user > option from the dropdown list.
- Check the Reports option for Access. Leave Admin & Create unchecked.
- In Greeting Name, enter a descriptive name for the user (e.g. "MOD Report User")
- In Login Name, enter a unique login name for this user. This value will be used as the MyOrderDesk Store User ID (e.g. "MODReportUser1").
- If you wish specify a password, uncheck Auto generate temporary password for user. If you want the system to generate a random password, leave this as checked and skip to step.
- Enter a Password longer than six characters for this user. You can optionally check the Reveal box to remove the password mask and expose the value you typed. This Password value will be used as the MyOrderDesk Store Password.
- Enter address and phone information as desired.
- Enter an Email address to associate with this user. This address will receive a notification with the user password upon creating this user if Send login credentials to user after save is checked.
- Click the Update User Data button to create the account.
- IfAuto generate temporary password for user was checked you can either refer to the email notification (if sent) or check the Reveal Password box to display the Password.
- Click the Return to Customer button.
- Under the Projects section, click the hyperlink of the Project associated with the MOD Store you are setting up reporting access for.
- In Project Setup, click the Storefront Settings button
- In Storefront Setup, click the Enable Storefront Access tab
- Find the User Account created earlier in the Users without storefront access grid. Click the arrow icon to grant that user access to the Storefront to view reports.
- Next, in MyOrderDesk, populate the Store User ID and Store Password values in Services > Fulfillment > Settings.
Data sent from MyOrderDesk to Fulfillment
Fulfillment | MyOrderDesk |
Project | Project ID (Fulfillment config page) |
UserName | User ID (Fulfillment config page) |
FreightCarrier | Shipping carrier code defined by Fulfillment or default from config page (ie: UPS, FedEx, etc.) |
FreightCode | Shipping freight code defined by Fulfillment or default from config page (ie: Next Day, Ground, etc.) |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber | MOD JobID |
<ShipToAddress> | Cart ShipTo |
Name | CompanyName or Name if empty |
Attention | Name or empty if CompanyName is empty |
Line1 | Address1 |
Line2 | Address2 |
City | City |
StateProvinceCode | State_Prov_Terr |
PostalCode | ZIp_Postal_Code |
Country | Country |
Phone | Phone |
<BillToAddress> | Cart BillTo |
Name | CompanyName or Name if empty |
Attention | Name or empty if CompanyName is empty |
Line1 | Address1 |
Line2 | Address2 |
City | City |
StateProvinceCode | State_Prov_Terr |
PostalCode | ZIp_Postal_Code |
Country | Country |
Phone | Phone |
<PurchaseOrderItemDetail> | CartItems |
LineNumber | auto generated, starting at 1 |
VendorProductID | udf_MidnightFulfillmentProductID OR inv_MidnightFulfillmentProductID => MISItemID |
OrderQuantity | Cart Item Qty (mapped field) |