Web2Plan assigning jobs to PlanWeb Customer #20 instead of the Correct Customer Follow
When an order arrives from an outside source when using Web2Plan Printer's Plan will automatically try to find out what customer this order belongs to.
There are a few fields Printers Plan uses to accomplish this.
1. Find Contact by <Email> value of <Contact> or <BillTo> or <ShipTo> element, whichever is available first, starting with the <Contact> element.
2. Find BillTo by <Name> and <Street> values of <BillTo> element. If no matching address is found, Web2Plan uses the Customer# of Contact; it does NOT add a new Customer to the database.
3. Find ShipTo by <Name>, <DeliverTo>, and <Street> values of <ShipTo> element. If a matching address is not found, Web2Plan adds it the database.
Depending on the search result of Contact, Web2Plan determines the Buyer and the Customer#.
a) If it finds only one Contact, Web2Plan uses its Customer# as the BillTo and Contact# as the Buyer.
b) If it finds more than one Contact with the same email address, Web2Plan selects the Contact who has the same Customer# of the BillTo or ShipTo found above. This condition occurs when the purchasing agent of a parent company is also added as a buyer to child companies.
c) If it does not find any Contact, Web2Plan uses the Customer# of BillTo or ShipTo, if found above, otherwise, it uses the default Web Customer# 20.
If for one reason or another you are unable to use the above method we offer the XML Extrinsic below which allows the integration to associate a specific order with a specific customer.
<Extrinsic name="PrintersPlanCustomerNo">