Managing Users & Groups in MyOrderDesk Follow
Anyone who has access to your MyOrderDesk Administrative area, or one of your websites, is considered a User. All Users are part of a Group. The decisions made at the Group level determines the User experience and what resources will be available to them. There are two different types of Groups (System Groups, and Custom Groups you create). This article covers how to set up the Groups with the permissions and options you would like the users to have when interacting with the site.
- Becoming Familiar with the Users & Groups Area
- Creating a New Custom Group
- Creating a New User, Employee or Vendor
- Make Product Order Forms available (or Not) to Users
- Selecting Which Employee's to Notify by Email about a Job
- Selecting Which Shipping and Billing Methods to Display in the Site
- Selecting Which Reports to Display to Users in the Group
- Selecting Which Catalogs to Display to Users in the Group
Becoming Familiar with the Users & Groups Area
Refer to the numbers noted on the screenshot below as you read through the descriptions.
Item 1. This is the Group dropdown. Before any Custom Groups are created, the System Groups will be shown. These include:
- The Everyone (default) Group - Everyone added to the site will be listed in the Everyone Group unless their account has been Denied access. The account will be noted as Active if the user has logged into the site at any time. The account will be noted as Inactive if the account is created but the User has not yet logged in.
- Unassigned - Any User that has been added to the site, but not yet assigned to a Group other than the Everyone Group (by default).
- Denied - A list of Users who had previously been given an account, and that you or another Employee at your company has set to be Denied access to the site.
- Public Order Forms - This Group is for Order Forms only and allows you to create a Product Order Form and make it available in your site to anyone that views your site by turning the Form On in this Group.
- Employees - This is a Group of your company Employee's that are able to access this particular Site. When adding your employees to this Group, you will decide if they are a Site Administrator, Job Administrator, or Staff.
- Vendors - This is a list of Vendors that can access this site when you assign a Job to them that is placed in the store. Select here to read about Vendor routing.
item 2. The various Icons shown here are used to manage the Group(s):
- Pencil (edit) - This allows you to Edit Groups you create. System Groups cannot be edited.
- Garbage Can (delete) - This allows you to Delete a Group you created. System Groups cannot be deleted.
- Envelope (Email) - When selected for the Everyone Group, or any Group you create, you can send a mass email out to all Users of that particular group.
- Plus (Add) - To create a new Custom Group, select this icon. You will be prompted to select a Name for your new Group.
Item 3. With a Group selected in the dropdown, you will use these buttons to manage the various areas for that Group. Example: For Users, you will use this button to add/or Assign Users to the Group selected, for Order Forms you will use that button to indicate which Order Forms will be shown/available to a User added to the Group selected. The areas managed by Groups are:
- Users - Anyone added to your site.
- Order Forms - Product Order Forms that you want to make available in your site.
- Notifiers - Employees that you want to notify by email when a Job/order is placed.
- Checkout Options - Indicate which Shipping or Billing options will be available to the Group.
- Reports - Which Reports created by your company do you want to make available to Users of this Group.
- Catalogs - Which Catalogs do you want to make available in your site to this Group.
Item 4. Depending on what area you are managing, different options will be activated for you. Except for "New," these buttons allow you to select in one of the table rows and then perform the function selected:
- Create New
- Edit
- View an Order Forms.
- Delete
- Email the selected Group of Users.
- Assign the user/item to the Group (turn on/off).
Item 5. Based on the area you are managing, the table will display the items added or available. Click in the row to manage that item. For some of the tables, you will see which items are turned on or turned off for the Group you are managing or noted as Active or Inactive.
Item 6. When available, select the "..." icon to see all the Groups the User is assigned. Select a Group listed if you would like to open the Users & Groups in a new browser window with that Group selected in the Group dropdown. If you don't see the icon listed, that indicates the User is not part of any Groups.
Creating a New Custom Group
To add a new Group, select the "+" icon to the right of the Group dropdown. You will be asked to create a Name for the new Group, when done, click "OK" and the window shown in the screenshot below will be presented to you. After completing the various options, select Save.
Name - the Name of the Group you entered on the previous screen. You can edit what you entered here.
Sign In As - Select to allow Approvers and Viewers (along with the Site Owner & Site Administrator) the ability to Sign In as another User. If checked, these users will see the "sign in as" in their profile.
Cart Collaboration -This option will allow the buyer/end-user to indicate who should be approving their order based on an email address. This is useful when you would like buyers to be responsible for indicating who should approve their orders, such as their supervisor.
If selected, the end-user will be presented with a Collaboration tab in the Shopping Cart (see screenshot below) where they can add people to approve their orders, and request that the order be approved by them. This feature has been made as simple as possible but it is suggested that training be provided to the end users who will be using this feature.
Requesting approvals will send an email to the person indicated and allow that user to log in, and approve their order without needing to create an account.
Default Site - You can either give end users a direct link to a specific site to log into, or if you would prefer, you can have all the end users log in from one site you choose. As an example, you may be using MyOrderDesk for your home website, or B2C site and you want all customers to log in from there.
If that is the case, you will:
- Create a Group in the site that you are sending your users to log into, for each site you are using this re-direct feature.
- Choose the name of the site you want them to re-direct to from the Default Site dropdown.
- Add users to the site group.
- When the uses log in, MyOrderDesk will recognize that their email address matches a user in the Group, and will re-direct them to the correct site.
Note: To locate the URL of the main site you want them to log in from, go to: Admin > Site Settings > Home Page & Domains (see screenshot below).
Quickbooks Customer - Used to map to Quickbooks.
Automatic user Additions - Select this option if you are going to allow users in this group to self sign up. When checked, we will provide a link you can give the user to use for this purpose. You can also indicate if the self sign up users should be an Approver or a Viewer. Based on the choice made, when the user signs up using the URL listed, that will put the person in the right group, with the right permission level.
Profile Update Notifiers - Add user email addresses here if you would like certain users to be notified when any users in this group make changes to their profile.
Group Shipping and Billing Addresses - Add standardized shipping and billing addresses for a specific group of customers. You can also remove the ability for that group of users to use a custom address.
Creating a New User, Employee or Vendor
There are two ways you can add a new User, Employee or Vendor to your Group(s).
- With the Group selected in the dropdown, select the New button and complete the prompts. You only need to provide an email address and password for the new User, and you will be able to select an option to send the user an email letting them know their account has been created. Once the User logs in, they will be presented with their Profile page where they will be asked to complete any required fields and they can enter optional information as well.
- By using the Import option. Start by selecting the Export button when you are in the Group you want to add the User to. Complete the necessary fields in the spreadsheet, and then upload the completed file using the Import button. Using the import tool is very helpful if you have all the required profile information on a User and want to upload it to their user account when it is initially created.
Adding an Employee:
When adding an Employee to the Employee Group, you will also have to indicate their permission level:
- Staff (Can Retrieve files)
- Job Administrator (Can Retrieve & Delete files)
- Site Administrator (All the Owner capabilities)
An employee is added in the same way as any other user on your website, the act of assigning a user to the Employee group marks them as an employee. If you add a new user directly to the Employee group the system will ask you to select thier employee type.
If a user already has an account you can also assign them to any group from the Users and Groups section by using the Assign button and selecting the correct employee group.
Deleting a User, Employee, or Vendor
It is not recommended to delete user profiles as it only removes it from your site's view, it does not actually delete the account. This is to preservice the history and not interfere if the account is active on another site.
It is recommended to move the user into the Denied Group instead. This will prevent them from being able to log in to any site they are marked as Denied on.
Make Product Order Forms available (or Not) to Users
After an Order Form is created, it will not be seen in the site by any of your Users until you turn that Order Form ON for the Group(s) you want to see it. After selecting a Group, click the Order Forms button. You will see all the created Order Forms listed in the table. If you managing a Custom Group, you will see any Forms that are already turned On (or Off) in the Everyone Group.
To turn the Order Form On for the Group, click in the table row for the Form, and then select the Assign button. From the dropdown, select the option to turn the Form On, or to use the Everyone Group assignment that is already done.
Using the Assign button, you can also change the Assignment for the Form to Off if necessary.
Note: While in the Order Form area, you can also very easily see the Order Form by clicking in the table row for the Form you want to see, and select the View button. In a new browser tab, you will be taken to that Order Form in the website as the end user/customer would see it.
Selecting Which Employee's to Notify by Email about a Job
After selecting a Group, click the Notifiers button. You will see a list of all your employees. If you are managing a Custom Group, you will also see any employees that are already set to receive Notifications in the Everyone Group.
To have an employee receive Notifications, click in the table row for the Employee Name, and then select the Assign button. From the dropdown, select the option to turn the Assignment On, or to use the Everyone Group assignment that is already done.
Using the Assign button, you can also change the Assignment for the Employee to Off if desired.
Selecting Which Shipping and Billing Methods to Display in the Site
After selecting a Group, click the Checkout Options button. You will see a list of all the various Shipping and Billing Methods setup for the site. If you are managing a Custom Group, you will also see any Methods that are already set to display based on the Everyone Group settings.
To turn on any of these options for this Group, click in the table row for the option, and then select the Assign button. From the dropdown, select the option to turn the Assignment On, or to use the Everyone Group assignment that is already done.
Using the Assign button, you can also change the Assignment for the option to Off if desired.
Add Shipping and Billing Addresses to the Group
You will see in this section two additional buttons which allow you to set a Shipping Address, and Billing Address. For any users in this group, those addresses will be available options while checking out. You can also indicate if the addresses should be the default which is helpful especially when you are not allowing the users the option to set the addresses when they are ordering.
Selecting Which Reports to Display to Users in the Group
After selecting a Group, click the Reports button. You will see a list of all the various Reports setup for the site. If you are managing a Custom Group, you will also see any Reports that are already set to display based on the Everyone Group settings.
To turn on any of Reports for this Group, click in the table row for the Report, and then select the Assign button. From the dropdown, select the option to turn the Assignment On, or to use the Everyone Group assignment that is already done.
Using the Assign button, you can also change the Assignment for the option to Off if desired.
Selecting Which Catalogs to Display to Users in the Group
After selecting a Group, click the Catalogs button. You will see a list of all the various Catalogs setup for the site. If you are managing a Custom Group, you will also see any Catalogs that are already set to display based on the Everyone Group settings.
To turn on any of Catalogs for this Group, click in the table row for the Catalog Name, and then select the Assign button. From the dropdown, select the option to turn the Assignment On, or to use the Everyone Group assignment that is already done.
Using the Assign button, you can also change the Assignment for the option to Off if desired.