Assign Jobs to Outside Vendors using MyOrderDesk Vendor Routing - MKB0134 Follow
Vendor Routing allows you to either automatically, or manually, assign certain Product Order Forms to an outside Vendor. The Vendor will receive an email notifying them that they have received an order from your shop, along with a link they can follow that allows them to see the details that they need to produce the Job, while hiding any pricing information to them.
To learn the details on how to set up Vendor Routing, checkout the training video here:
You will see a drop down menu on the Job Details page, this menu is used to choose which item in the job you would like to assign the Category to. When you assign a Category to a specific item it appears underneath the item.
On the Category creation page you there is a new input field for an Internal note. This text will display to only employees of the shop and appears after the description.
Inside of Users & Group there is a new system group titled "Vendors".