Creating and Editing Extended Profile Fields Follow
The Extended Profile is where you can build a template of custom profile fields to be used by everyone on the site. This is in addition to the standard set of profile fields (e.g., First Name, Last Name, City...) that's offered by MyOrderDesk.
Profile fields and be useful tools in the ordering process by automatically filling in user-specific information from thier profile fields like typesetting customizable products or displaying user-specific options.
This section can be found in the Admin Menu > Site Settings > Options > Sign-Up & Security:
Use to edit the link used to access the Extended Profile page.
Clicking this button will show a dialog box where you can create new tabs and edit or delete existing tabs. Tabs are used to group related fields into manageable pieces.
Understanding the Customizable Fields
- HTML- Used as a place to enter in your own HTML. The HTML field is very versatile in what it can do.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the HTML entry
- Default Value. Your HTML code will go into this field
- Single Line Input- One of the most common fields. Used when text, or mixed text and numbers.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the text box
- Default Value. If desired, you may prefill the Default Value box with text or numbers. Spaces and Punctuation are accepted.
- Multi-Line Input- Used when you or the user may need to enter larger amounts of information, like special instructions. There is an 8,000 character limit.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the notes area
- Default Value. This is the text the user will see. Spaces and Punctuation are accepted.
- The limit on Notes fields is 8,000 characters including spaces.
- Number- Used when only numbers are desired.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the number box
- Default Value. If desired, you may prefill the Default Value box with a number.
- Except for a decimal point (a period), no letters, symbols, spaces, or other characters are accepted.
- Radio Buttons- Radio buttons are used when you want the user to select just one option from a set of alternatives. Much like a Menu, but with buttons.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the radio buttons
- Default Value. Radio buttons are used when you want the user to select just one option from a set of alternatives.
- You can use instructional text as the first "item" in the list (example, "None Selected", or "Select item", etc.).
- Empty lines will create a button with no label.
- Display as... will change the button view from either an inline list or multiple columns.
- Checkbox- Used when you have a single option on a field and want to give users the ability to select that option.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the check box
- Default Value. This is the text the user will see to the right of the checkbox. Spaces and Punctuation are accepted.
- Date- Used when you want the user to select a date from a popup calendar.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the Datepicker.
- Default Value. Configuration settings are placed in brackets {} inside this box. Below are configuration options:
- {LeadTime=0} – Setting to 0 indicates no lead time. Positive numbers increase the lead time; negative allow dates in the past.
- {EndTime=365} – Setting to 365 allows dates to be selected up to 1 year in the future. Increasing or decreasing changes the latest date that can be selected.
- {AllowWeekends=No} – Setting to Yes will allow for weekends to be selected. Setting to No will not allow for weekends to be selected.
- {Format=DOW, MONTH DD, YYYY} – Date format options are Day of the Week (DOW), Month Name (MONTH or MON), Month (MM), Day (DD), Year (YYYY or YY)
- Single Select- A field that allows you to pre-define which answers will be available for the user to choose from.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the menu field.
- Values. Enter the different options you'd like the user to choose from here separated by a carriage return.
- If you set the field as "Required", then add a blank line as the first entry. This forces the user to make a selection from the list.
- The Menu limit is 8,000 characters. (i.e., If you average 15 characters per line, you can have just over 500 items in your menu.)
- TIP: If you want the list to default to a blank line (which is always automatically selected and displayed at the top of the menu) enter a single space in one of the lines then press your "Enter" key.
- TIP: To add line breaks to a list item (useful for addresses or ezMerge) use 2 vertical bars: ||
- Multiple Select- Enables a user to choose one or MORE items from a list you create.
- Caption. This is the text the user will see to the left of the selection box.
- Values. Enter the different options you'd like the user to choose from.
- Display as... Select whether to display the menu as a list or as checkboxes
- TIP: It's possible to use a Multi-Select field with payment methods, to display a list of options to a buyer at the time of checkout and have them choose 1 of them.