The MyOrderDesk Administration Bar - MKB 0106 Follow
The MyOrderDesk Administration Bar makes navigating your MyOrderDesk website quick and easy! This article will demonstrate the navigation system.
When signed in as an employee of the print shop, the Administration Bar will appear.
Clicking on the Switch to Edit link, labeled by the blue arrow above, navigates you to the settings of whatever page you are on. If you're viewing an Order Form, the link will take you to the Form Builder.
The question mark, circled in green above, will take you to the help page for the specific page you're on. If there is no help available it will navigate you to our Support Center.
The three horizontal bars on the left, labeled by the red arrow above, will open the Administration Menu. There is more information on the Administration Menu below.
In the image above, outlined in red, is a text box to quickly access a Job, Cart, or Item by entering its ID.
To access a Job, type the JobID and press enter.
- To access a Cart, type C followed by the Cart Number: C#######
- To access a specific Item, type I followed by the Item Number: I#######.
The Administration Menu
1.) The first drop-down menu, labeled with the red arrow below, is your Account number followed by the MyOrderDesk Website you are currently logged into. Use this drop-down menu to create or quickly switch between your branded sites.
2.) The second drop-down menu, labeled with the blue arrow, shows the currently logged in User. Use this drop-down menu to sign out, or sign in as another user.
3.)The menu, outlined in red below, lists every component and page of your MyOrderDesk website. Clicking on a link will bring you to the corresponding page.
Some of the menu options can be clicked on, marked in red, to open sub-menus, marked in green.
Marked in blue below, this menu will also show the current category you are in by showing the menu option as bolded.