Job Link Configuration Guide Follow
Job Link Configuration Guide for Print Reach Pay
This internal guide outlines the steps to set up Print Reach Pay's Job Link feature in Printer's Plan. It's intended for internal use as a reference or quick-start guide for configuring a new environment.
Enabling Print Reach Pay and API Access
- Verify Print Reach Pay Integration: Ensure Print Reach Pay is enabled within Printer's Plan. Refer to the "Print Reach Pay - Printer's Plan Quick Start Guide" for initial setup instructions.
- Activate Printer's Plan API: Confirm that the Printer's Plan API (Web2Plan) is installed and active. This is crucial for Job Link functionality as it facilitates communication between Printer's Plan and Print Reach Central.
- Validate Webhook URL: Ensure a valid Webhook URL is configured on the Print Reach Pay Hosted Payment Page. This URL enables the automatic updating of Printer's Plan jobs upon successful customer payments through Job Link.
- Whitelist IP Addresses (if applicable): If the Printer's Plan API is running on a local server, whitelist the following IP addresses to allow communication with the Print Reach Pay hosted payment page: and
Setting Up Job Link Email Functionality
Configure Email Templates:
- Job Link Email Template: In the Settings tab, under Print Reach Pay, select "Job Link". Choose the desired email template for each job type (Order, Quote, History Job).
- Payment Request Email Template: Customize the "Job Payment Request Print Reach Pay" email template to include the hosted payment page URL, replacing "[SiteName]" with your specific address.
- Define Email Recipient: Specify the recipient of the Job Link email for each job type. Options include the job's assigned buyer, the customer's default buyer, or the customer's default payer.
- Configure PDF Attachment: Choose whether to attach a PDF copy of the invoice or quote to the Job Link email. This uses the default print options for the document.
Configuring Customer Program Fees (Optional)
- Access Program Fee Settings: Navigate to "Settings" > "Print Reach Pay" > "Payment Processing" in Printer's Plan.
- Set Customer-Specific Program Fees: For individual customers, open their properties window and click the "Program Fee" button. Choose either the "System Default" program fee rate or set a custom rate for that customer.
Testing and Verification
- Send a Test Job Link: Generate a Job Link for a test job and send it to yourself to verify the email content, the Job Link functionality, and the accuracy of data displayed on the Job Link page.
- Process a Test Payment: If Print Reach Pay is enabled, process a test payment through the Job Link page to ensure correct payment processing and data synchronization between Print Reach Pay and Printer's Plan.
By following these steps, you'll configure Job Link effectively, providing your clients and their customers with a seamless and efficient experience.
Note: For cloud-hosted Printer's Plan users, the API is pre-installed, but confirmation of the correct version is still necessary.