Midnight v4.7 (02/2016) Release Notes Follow
Midnight -Version 4.7
Released February 26th, 2016
Dynamic Job Board:
– New report has been added to the pop-up Notes page so you can print all notes associated with a service line item.
– Added Industry dropdown to further define a customer. The field is pre-populated with default industries, but you can edit/add your own in Admin/CRM/Industry. Should you want to report on these values, run the Customer Export report, export it to excel, and sort based on Industry.
Order / Estimate:
– Field validation has been added to all input fields to ensure only valid characters can be entered.
– When copying an order, the following fields in the Data Processing panel on the Order “Data/Postage” tab will copy.
– The Tax Jurisdiction can now be changed on an Order. It will still populate with the default value associated with the customer in CRM. However, if a customer has multiple tax jurisdictions established in CRM, one will be able to use the dropdown (which was previously just a label) and change the Tax Jurisdiction. All tax associated with service line items will be re-calculated if the Tax Jurisdiction is changed.
– On the Orders/Details Tab, a new field labeled ‘AR Export Date’ was added. This shows you the date and time the order was exported to the accounting system.
– New “Pre-pay” functionality: It is not uncommon to have the need to invoice Orders prior to the Order being completed and closed. In other words, a way to flag and manage orders requiring ‘Pre-pay’. Previously, Orders were eligible to be exported to the accounting system once the Order was closed (provided a Close Date). Now, Open Orders will be able to be exported using the new pre-pay functionality. Please see the attached enhancement pdf document for detailed explanation of this new functionality.
Accounting Export:
– The QuickBooks postage export was updated – the TRNSTYPE on both the TRNS and SPL line item was changed from GENERAL JOURNAL to PAYMENT. This update will not affect QB customers currently using this export.
Postage/Postage Affix : New postage affix instruments will not have taxable selected as default value since most instruments are typically non-taxable.
Security/CreateRoleRight/FieldControl: The following fields have been added to the Orders module and can be locked down: Close Date, Order Date, Company, Prepay. In addition, the Request and Purchase Order radio buttons in the Purchase Orders module can now be locked down as well.
– Order Module – Job Pre Bill Report: This report is similar to the Job Detail Analysis Report…however, this version hides Direct Labor Cost for each Labor record and simply provides a summary atop the report. This allows you to have all the same job details information without sharing labor costs with employees.
– Inventory skid flag report now displays the inventory image.
– Accounting/AR Export by Date Range report. This report is now showing all Orders that have been exported to accounting – no longer does it require an Order to have a close date. Added another column labeled, Pre-pay. This allows you to quickly tell which Orders were pre-pay orders.
– Print estimating; # parent sheets drives the amount of inventory needed on order rather than expected qty.
– Addressed issue with Tax not calculating correctly on multiple quantity estimates.
– Addressed issue with MID/CRID values copying from order to order.
– Inventory App: barcode reader no longer has issue searching via location for an inventory item.
– Addressed issue with paging not working correctly on the Inventory/Receipts tab.
– Addressed issue with running reports from Order Module after modifying the order.
– Addressed issue with duplicate line items being created when running Wide Format Estimate report.
– Addressed issue with tax not updating on Order after changing tax jurisdiction.
– Addressed issue with modifying extended line item total on Order/Postage tab when several postage line items exist.
– Order/Service Detail page: page will no longer freeze. Also addressed issue of it opening slowly at times.
– Contract Pricing: setup fee will always be added to service line item if setup in contact pricing template.
– Inventory Pull Ticket now always loads with all available inventory items associated with Order.
– Prior to emailing any report from the system, Midnight will interrogate all fields (To, From, BCC) and make sure addresses are in a valid format.