Midnight v4.2 (05/2015) Release Notes Follow
Midnight -Version 4.2
Released May 1, 2015
Usability/Performance: In the last release, we implemented the ability for the system to prompt you if you attempt to leave a page before saving your work. We extended this functionality to the cancel button on each page as well. If you click cancel on a page and no data has been modified/added, the page will immediately close with no messaging. If data has been modified/added, then you will prompted with the standard message asking if you want to save your work prior to cancelling. Reminder, the functionality can be turned on/off in Global Settings.
Estimates / Orders:
– Wide Format print calculator has been completed. Contact support if interested in having this functionality enabled on your site.
– Orders/Postage Tab: paging was added to the Postage Affix grid on this tab to improve performance for those with several postage line items associated with an order.
– Addressed performance issues with orders/estimates containing large quantities of services on a given department tab.
Accounting Exports:
– The QuickBooks Online export was modified; items without GLIDs are not being exported. This makes it consistent with non-online version and will not adversely affect current users.
– Updated the Sage50_Peachtree accounting export
Dynamic Job Board
– (task view) Sorts first by Priority, then Due Date, then Due time and then Order #.
– Both DJB views stretch vertically to maximize any size monitor or resolution.
– You may right click and manually add an item to the visual machine schedule.
– When you add a time Block to the machine schedule, the system will not auto-schedule any items during that block of time.
– Once a service is completed, it will fall off the visual machine schedule.
– Added a new report named, GLID Totals by Order. You will find this is in the Orders module. This report shows all GLIDs associated with the Services and Postage of an order.
– Added a new report named, Postage Used by Date. This allows you to see the postage used (by device) for a given customer during a given date range.
– Added a new report named, Projected Sales Report. This report lists all open orders where the due date falls between the date parameters of the report. This lets you forecast the revenue scheduled to be completed for a given data range.
– Added a new ‘CustomerUpdate’ method allowing one to update existing customers in the Midnight.
– Updated the OrderVersionList method to return three additional fields; Canadian records, Foreign Records, Unmailables.
– Created new method called, ‘JobCostOrderVersionServiceSummaryList’. This method returns a summation of all job costing minutes for a given order grouped by Date, Order , Version, and Service.
CRM: Contract Pricing has been added to the application. Contract pricing was provided to Beta clients earlier this year and at that time it was referred to as Project Pricing. Contract Pricing overrides the standard service price and any customer specific pricing you may have setup. It is associated with a customer and allows one to dictate a fixed price for any given service, and also provides a fixed price based on volume for that service as well. Additional documentation is attached to this email. This will also be discussed in next week’s Annual User Group Meeting in Jacksonville, FL, and Greg will now include Contract Pricing in his online training. If you have immediate questions regarding this new functionality please contact our support team.
– Created a new ERD for those customers who purchased source code.
Pickup / Delivery:
– Item dropdown on this page is now utilizing parent/child relationships established in CRM. When a customer is selected atop the page, the Item dropdown will display all Inventory Items associated with the customer, then it will display all items associated with the selected customer’s Parent, then it will show all global inventory items.
– The pickup/Delivery report was updated to include the Order Number and Ship Method associated with the request.
– Addressed issue on Postage Adjustment page so one can edit order associated with earmarked funds.
– Addressed issue where inactive Issue Status’ were still visible in dropdown.
– Addressed issue on Pickup/Delivery pages where one could not manually enter a name in the Attention box.
– Addressed issue with customer export report; report now also prints customers with no defined contacts.
– Addressed issue with Postage Checks Received report; added Order# column so you could determine which order the check was applied to.
– Addressed issue with Drop Date in header of page not updating initial drop on Drops tab.
– Addressed issue with auto-saving data on the Quick Add Customer page.
– Addressed issue with reports printing blank pages when report is 1+ pages.