Midnight v3.9 (11/2014) Release Notes Follow
Midnight -Version 3.9
Released November 7th, 2014
Purchase Order Module: Please see attached Word Document for detailed description of enhancement.
*NEW* Custom Links: Please see attached Word Document for detailed description of this new functionality.
Estimates/Orders: You will notice a performance improvement on both estimates and orders after picking the contact associated with the customer in the header of both forms. Previously there was a lag where the user waited multiple seconds.
Job Costing:
– Added version name to the search screen
– On both the Enter Svc Time and Enter Prod Time pages, Version name was added to the Job Number drop down to ensure time is being added to the correct version.
CRM: Pricing Tab / Service Drop down on bottom of page: this now has two columns: Code and Description.
Admin: On the international format page, our international users can now convert all US dollar symbols throughout the application to either Euro or Pound.
Portal: Changed the name of the Portal tab to Proofs.
API: Additional web service methods have been added allowing one to update version information inside of an order.
Accounting: QuickBooks accounting export has been modified. Now have the ability to have all services export with a status flag of non-taxable (rather than just a dollar amount of $0) when an order is marked as non-taxable. This flag can be set in the Admin/Company Settings/Accounting Integration page after selecting QuickBooks.
– Addressed error associated with updating Machine Departments in admin module.
– Chrome Issue: a new version of Chrome was recently released and it affected functionality in Midnight. For example, in print estimating, the paper selector form would not load. When adding inventory, selecting ‘add’ in the Item dropdown was not calling the add inventory page. All instances of this issue were addressed throughout the application.
– Not all items in admin menu were in alpha order. That has been addressed.
– Addressed an issue with volume pricing when creating multiple quantities on estimates.
– When exporting an estimate to an order, we have insured the status of the estimate is changed to ‘won’.
– Addressed issue with inventory when copying an order.
– Addressed issue with Due Date not updating correctly in the header of the Order form.
– Addressed issue with not being able to change the customer in the pickup / delivery page after having selected one.
– Addressed issue on Pickup / Delivery page where customer would no longer be selected after running report.
– Addressed issue in DJB whereas marking a service as ‘complete’ in one version could inadvertently mark it as complete in another version on the same order.
– Addressed issues in Sage50_Peachtree export file.
– Many drop downs in the application contain multiple columns. There were instances of data bleeding from one column to the other making it hard to read. This has been fixed.
– Addressed issue where a department discount on an estimate may rollover over to other departments.