Shop Floor Data Collection - Reporting Follow
The number of available job costing and scheduling reports will continue to grow over time. The following reports can be accessed from the Reports module of Midnight
Job Detail Analysis Report and Job Cost Report
The reports lists all those who worked on the job, the total time each person spent on the given service, and displays the total direct labor cost. The top of the report displays the Service Revenue, Labor costs, Total Expense, and Profit.
Summary Profitability Report
This report has two options, Summary Profitability ALL, and Summary Profitability by Customer is grouped by company and displays order activity for a given date range. All jobs are listed along with their Revenue, Labor, and Expense. The final page of each report gives a sum total of the revenue, labor, and expense columns and averages the profitability.
Employee Detailed Time Clock Report
This report is available from the Reports module/Job Costing section inside of the Midnight System.
This report is designed to function as a general time clock outline for staff, displaying clock in, clock out, and break times, and is sorted by employee. Employees can also be presented individually.
Service Detailed Time Clock Report
This report is available from the Reports module/Job Costing section inside of the Midnight System.
This report highlights the amount of time that each employee has worked on a specific job, and what machine, client, and order that the work was associated with. It is sorted by time.
The report can also be customized to show only 1 employee's work.