Shop Floor Data Collection - Introduction Follow
System Log In
Logging in to the Shop Floor Data Collection Module is intended to be a one-time activity by a supervisor or manager. This login account was established in the Midnight system
– see Shop Floor Data Collection - Setup for more information on setting up a login account
Shop Floor Data Collection Module Log In
Employee Log In
Each employee has a unique code they enter to access the Shop Floor Data Collection main menu. The employee code is defined in the Midnight Application
– see Shop Floor Data Collection - Setup for more information on setting up employees for Shop Floor Dada Collection
Employee Login Screen
Main Menu
The main menu of the Shop Floor Data Collection module simply lists each of the four processes outlined earlier that are currently available for the logged in employee.
Shop Floor Data Collection Main Menu
The screen above shows that the employee successfully logged; their name is visible and it is requiring clock in before jobbing in.
Clock In Button
The Clock In button will only be active if the company has established they want to use the time tracking portion of the program for the logged in employee. If it is toggled off, the buttons will simply be grayed out / inactive. See Shop Floor Data Collect regarding the enabling of the time tracking system. Time Tracking is defined at the employee level.
Clock in Successful
When the user clicks OK, they will be returned back to the Main Menu. If they don’t click OK, the system will automatically return to the Main Menu in 10 seconds.
Shop Floor Data Collection – Identify Break Time
After clocking in, if the employee is set up for an estimated break, the Break button is visible in the upper left hand side of the page. Clicking this brings up the available break(s) that have been defined for this employee’s shift. To apply a break, the user clicks the Break button and simply selects one of the provided break times.
Note: the employee does not need to clock out when taking breaks or clock back in when returning from a break. The system will automatically associate their break time on the Employee Detailed Time Clock report, within Midnight.
Main Menu – Example of Time Tracking Disabled
If instead, the employee is set up to record their actual break time, they will have the options for breaking in and out. The labels on the buttons for the paid and unpaid breaks will display as determined in your Admin set up. While the labels may not match the screenshot here, the process is the same.
When an employee wishes to go on their break, they will select the break in button that matches whether it is a paid or unpaid break.
When they return from their break, they will break out using the button you’ve set up. The actual time on break will be deducted from their time and job costing records as appropriate.
Job In Button
The Job In button is going to be affected by the time tracking setting for the employee logged in, as well as the multi-jobs setting on the employee record. It will have the following rules for being enabled/disabled:
- If Time Tracking is required for the employee, and the employee jobbing in is set up to work on multiple jobs, then the Job In Button:
- I’m Is Inactive/Disabled if the employee is not currently clocked in
- Active if the employee is currently clocked in
- Active if the employee is currently clocked in and jobbed in to 1 or more jobs
- If Time Tracking is required for the employee, and the employee jobbing in is NOT set up to work on multiple jobs, then
- Is Inactive/Disabled if the employee is not currently clocked in
- Active if the employee is currently clocked in
- Inactive/Disabled if the employee is currently clocked in and jobbed in to a job
- If Time Tracking is NOT required for the employee, and the employee jobbing in is set up to work on multiple jobs, then
- Active all the time
- If Time Tracking is NOT required for the company, and the employee jobbing in is NOT set up to work on multiple jobs, then
- Active if the employee is NOT currently jobbed in
- Inactive/Disabled if the employee is currently jobbed in to a job
- Active if the employee is NOT currently jobbed in
Job In / Select Order
When an employee clicks on Job In, the first list they will see is a list of open jobs. Users will not be able to see ‘Closed’ orders on this list. Only orders not containing a Close Date in the Midnight System.
Job In, Select Order
Job In, Select Order - tap plus sign
- Filter field – If the list is large, use the filter field and type in the desired Order Number.
- The back button allows you to move backwards in the process
- Tap the order you want to select to move on to the next selection
- Tap on the plus sign to see details about that order, you can also tap on the blue details to move on to the next selection
Once the employee selects an order, the order expands and they are presented with Order Information to ensure the correct order has been selected.
Every step in the Job In and Job Out process will contain this same type of functionality.
Tap anywhere in the details text section or title section to confirm the selection of the Order and move to the next step; select a service from within that order/version.
Job In / Select Service
The Select Service screen displays the details of the order selected on the previous screen, and lists all available services associated with the given order and version(s).
Job In, Select Service
If the list of available services is long, use the filter box to search for a given service.
Tap anywhere in the details text section or title section to confirm the selected Service and move to the next step; select a machine, operation code or make ready code for the given service (when applicable).
Job In / Select Machine
The Select Machine screen displays the details of the order selected, and the Service selected on the previous screens. The last step of jobbing in is to select a machine or production area where they employee will be working on the job and service selected.
All machines eligible to be scheduled for the selected service are displayed. If the list is long, use the filter field to search the list of available machines.
Figure 16 – Job In, Select Machine – Confirmation
Tap anywhere in the shaded section to confirm the selected Machine and move to the next step; Confirmation of Successful Job In screen.
Job In / Job In Details
Job In Details
All of the details selected in the previous screens display at this point, and the only field that a employee can enter is the Start Count field, if the user wants to start the count at anything other than 0.
Clicking OK will return the Employee to the Main Menu – Note that the employee is now able to Job In to another job or Job Out. Clock in and Clock out is disabled until the employee jobs out.
Main Menu following Successful Job In
Job Out Button
When the employee clicks on Job Out, all jobs they are currently jobbed in to will display. If there is only one, we will select that record and display the details. However, if there are multiple records, we will show the records and have the employee select which job to Job Out of.
Job Out / Select Job
Job Out, Select Job
After selecting the job, the next step of the process is to confirm time, enter finish counts, add comments, and finish the process of jobbing out of the job.
Click anywhere in the line title or shaded detail section to confirm the selected Job and move to the next step; Confirmation of Successful Job Out screen.
The next screen in the Job Out process is essentially the confirmation screen, where the employee will verify they are jobbing out of the correct record. But it is also going to have a few additional entry fields where the user will be entering their finish count, any comments about the task, and updates like whether the task is complete or not.
Job Out / Details
Job Out, Details
Here, the employee has the option of entering the Stop count, change the djb task status, indicate whether the task is complete or not, indicate whether their work was rework or not, enter a run count if different than the stop count and finally enter a comment if desired. The default value for the stop count will be 0, and neither the Complete or Rework fields will be selected.
The DJB status field will remain in progress (or whatever your default is) unless you manually select another status or click the complete button. Clicking the complete check box will mark the task as complete.
Clock Out Button
The Clock Out button is active if the Time Tracking option is set up for the employee as outlined above for the Clock In Button. Other rules for the Clock Out button will be:
- The Clock Out button is enabled only if the user has Clocked In.
- The Clock out button is disabled if the user is currently Jobbed in to one or more Jobs.
The user is not allowed to Clock Out from the system until they have successfully Jobbed out of all active jobs.
Successful Clock Out