Email Notification Job Field Descriptions. Follow
The following is a list of Job Fields and Descriptions that are used in various sections of the site. Namely the Notifications and the Job Name located in the Checkout Options section of your Cart Settings.
Field List
Current User Fields
- {Salutation}
- Ex.: Mr. or Ms. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Degree}
- Ex.: CPA or Dr. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobTitle}
- Ex.: Vice-President or Sales Manager. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Title2}
- The second title in addition to the above. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {FirstName}
- The customer's first name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {LastName}
- The customer's last name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Name}
- The combination of the customer's first and last name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {OrganizationName}
- The customer's organization name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Division}
- Ex.: Electronics. The customer's division within their organization. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Branch}
- Ex.: Chicago. The customer's branch within their organization. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Department}
- Ex.: Transportation. The customer's department within their organization. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Location}
- Ex.: Chicago. The customer's location within their organization. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Address1}
- The customer's street address as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Address2}
- Ex.: Suite A. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Building}
- Ex.: Bldg 12. If your customer entered any information in this optional address field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Floor}
- Ex.: 4th Flr. If your customer entered any information in this optional address field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {City}
- The customer's city as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {StateProvTerr}
- The customer's state or province or territory as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ZipPostalCode}
- The customer's zip or postal code as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Country}
- The customer's country as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {MainPhone}
- An alternative to the Phone field below. The main number at the customer's location. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Phone}
- The customer's phone number as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {DirectLine}
- An alternative to the Phone field above. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {CellPhone}
- The customer's cell phone number as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {Fax}
- If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {HomePhone}
- The customer's home phone number as entered in their customer profile. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {HomeFax}
- The customer's home fax number as entered in their customer profile. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ShipToAddress}
- The customer's preferred address to send products as entered in their customer profile. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {DoNotCallAfter}
- The customer's limit on how late they can be called as entered in their customer profile. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ChargeBackNumber}
- The budgetary billing number the customer uses within their organization as entered in their customer profile. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {RegistrationNumber}
- The customer's Registration Number as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {HeardAboutUs}
- A way to find out how the customer heard about your website.
- {Email}
- The customer's email address as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {UserID}
- The user ID MyOrderDesk assigned to your customer when they first filled out their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {AccountNumber}
- The account number you assigned to your customer for billing or other purposes.
- {Password}
- This will display the password used when first creating an account. Typically used in the
New Customer Greeting email. This information will be redacted for security purposes if that user already has an existing account.
- {PasswordResetURL}
- The link used to bring the customer back into the system where they'll be able to reset their password.
Vendor Fields
- {Signature}
- The signature added to the bottom of the email sent to your customer. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderSalutation}
- Ex.: Mr. or Ms. If you entered any information in this optional field on your profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderDegree}
- Ex.: CPA or Dr. If you entered any information in this optional field on your profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderJobTitle}
- Ex.: Vice-President or Sales Manager. If you entered any information in this optional field on your profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderTitle2}
- The second title in addition to the above. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderFirstName}
- Your first name as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderLastName}
- Your last name as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderName}
- Your first and last name as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderOrganizationName}
- Your organization name as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderAddress1}
- Street address as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderAddress2}
- Ex.: Suite A. If you entered any information in this optional field on your profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderCity}
- Your city as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderStateProvTerr}
- Your state or province or territory as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderZipPostalCode}
- Your Zip or postal code as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderCountry}
- Country as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderPhone}
- Your phone number as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderFax}
- If you entered any information in this optional field on your profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderEmail}
- Primary email address as entered in your profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderUserID}
- The Provider ID MyOrderDesk assigned to your account when you first signed up for MyOrderDesk. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderHomeURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your Home page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderLogoURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your logo. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderJobsSentURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your Jobs Sent page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderJobSubmitURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your Send Files & Orders page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderUserDetailsURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your customer Profile page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderUserLoginURL}
- The website address MyOrderDesk uses for your sign in page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderStorageLimitWarningPercent}
- The percentage of file storage you are currently using. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {ProviderSoftProofMessage}
- The soft proof message sent to your customer as part of their 'job received' confirmation email. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
Vendor HTML Only Fields
- {ProviderStyleSheetURL}
- The web address of the style sheet containing your website color scheme. Used to apply your color scheme to html emails.
Job Related Fields
- {JobStats}
- The job statistics (file size, time saved due to compression, etc.) sent to your customer as part of their 'job received' confirmation email. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {CartID}
- The cart tracking number assigned to each cart before it becomes an order. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobID}
- The job tracking number assigned to each job/order. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobEncryptionPassword}
- The password used to encrypt attached files. (See My Account > Administration Tools > Choose File Options page) It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobCategory}
- The category assignment of this job.
- {JobStatus}
- The job status message sent whenever a new status is entered on the Job Details page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobStatusDatetime}
- The date and time the job status was changed on the Job Details page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobApprovalStatus}
- The job approval status (Accept or Deny) entered by a customer's supervisor or buyer on the Job Details page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobApprovalDatetime}
- The date and time the job approval status (Accept or Deny) entered by a customer's supervisor or buyer on the Job Details page. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobApprovalLevel}
- The current approval level of the job. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobDetailsURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job specifications. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobApprovalsURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job approval status. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobFilesURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job files. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobFilesListURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job file uploads. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobContactsURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job sender/receiver contact info. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobHistoryURL}
- The link that will take the customer directly to the page with the job history. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderSalutation}
- Ex.: Mr. or Ms. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderDegree}
- Ex.: CPA or Dr. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderJobTitle}
- Ex.: Vice-President or Sales Manager. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderFirstName}
- The customer's first name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderLastName}
- The customer's last name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderName}
- The combination of the customer's first and last name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderOrganizationName}
- The customer's organization name as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderAddress1}
- The customer's street address as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderAddress2}
- Ex.: Suite A. If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderCity}
- The customer's city as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderStateProvTerr}
- The customer's state or province or territory as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderZipPostalCode}
- The customer's Zip or postal code as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderCountry}
- The customer's country as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderPhone}
- The customer's phone number as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderFax}
- If your customer entered any information in this optional field on their customer profile, it will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderEmail}
- The customer's email address as entered in their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobSenderUserID}
- The user ID MyOrderDesk assigned to your customer when they first filled out their customer profile. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobTransferTime}
- The amount of time it took to transfer the job. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobTransferTimeSavingsPercent}
- The percent savings in transfer time by using MyOrderDesk with compression vs without compression. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobFileSize}
- The size of the job's files. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobFileSizeCompressed}
- The size of the job's files after compression is applied. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {JobOrderFormName}
- The name of the order form used to create this job.
- {JobVirusScanned}
- Whether or not this job was automatically scanned for viruses.
- {JobPDFPageCount}
- The number of PDF pages on PDF2u jobs.
- {JobSenderUnVerifiedWarning}
- Warning message placeholder for jobs sent by unverified customers (not logged in).
- {JobProofURL}
- A link to the job's proof file.
* Note: The link will not work if the job or job files have been deleted. - {JobArchiveURL}
- A link to the zipped job files.
* Note: The link will not work if the job or job files have been deleted. - {Msg}
- Any errors or extra notifications related to job processing. It will be displayed wherever you place this field.
- {StorageUseWarning}
- An alert to remind you that storing job files on our server is equal to usage for each day the job files, not the job data, is stored.
- {MODSignature}
- Our MyOrderDesk signature. It's put onto emails that are sent to you and your staff.
- {MODTerms}
- Our MyOrderDesk terms. It's put onto emails that are sent to you and your staff.
- {JobDescription}
- The Job name.
- {JobManualTaxes}
- The flag indicating if taxes were inputted manually.
- {JobTaxRateName1}
- Name of the first tax.
- {JobTaxRateName2}
- Name of the second tax.
- {JobTaxRateName3}
- Name of the third tax.
- {JobTaxRateName4}
- Name of the fourth tax.
- {JobTaxAmount1}
- Amount of the first tax.
- {JobTaxAmount2}
- Amount of the second tax.
- {JobTaxAmount3}
- Amount of the third tax.
- {JobTaxAmount4}
- Amount of the fourth tax.
- {JobTaxShipping}
- The flag to indicate if shipping is taxable.
- {JobShippingName}
- Name of the shipping method.
- {JobShippingAmount}
- Total shipping amount.
- {JobShipDate}
- Date the job is set to ship.
- {JobEstArrival}
- Date or transit time the job is estimated to arrive.
- {JobShipAndArrivalMessage}
- Ship message in "Ships on {JobShipDate}. Expected delivery {JobEstArrival}." format.
- {JobPaymentMethod}
- Name of the payment method.
- {JobPaymentDetails}
- Payment method details.
- {JobPONumber}
- PO number for Job.
- {JobItemsTotal}
- Line items total.
- {JobItemsTaxableTotal}
- Taxable line item total.
- {JobItemsShipping}
- Shipping line item total.
- {JobItemsWeight}
- The total weight of the job.
- {JobTotal}
- The grand total of the job.
- {JobItemSnippet}
- A placeholder for merging line item details.
- {JobShipTo}
- The customer's ship to address for the job.
- {JobBillTo}
- The customer's bill to address for the job.
Item Fields
- {ItemID}
- ID number of the line item.
- {ItemOrderFormName}
- Order form name used by the line item.
- {ItemOrderFormID}
- Order form ID used by the line item.
- {ItemTotal}
- Line item total.
- {ItemQuantity}
- Litem item quantity.
- {ItemShipping}
- Litem item shipping total.
- {ItemWeight}
- Line item weight.
- {ItemTaxableToal}
- Line item taxable total.
Order Form Fields
- {JobFields}
- The collection of job fields for this job.
- {JobFieldsMin}
- The collection of job fields filled in for this job.
- {udf_*} or {mod_*}
- Fields found on one or more of your order forms. If the field doesn't exist for the job in question it will be blanked out.
DocMart Inventory Fields (Low Inventory Notice)
- {InventoryItemName}
- This is the name you gave the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemDescription}
- This is the Description you gave the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemShopID}
- This is the Shop ID number you gave the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemCustomerID}
- This is the Customer ID number you gave the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemLocationA}
- This is the Inventory Location 1 info you entered for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemLocationB}
- This is the Inventory Location 2 info you entered for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemPrice}
- This is the Sell Price you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemCost}
- This is the Cost you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemQuantity}
- This is the current amount of Inventory you have on hand for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemReorderPoint}
- This is the Reorder Point quantity you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemMinimumOrder}
- This is the Minimum Order quantity you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemMaximumOrder}
- This is the Maximum Order quantity you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemOrderIncrements}
- This is the order quantity Increments you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemTaxable}
- This is the Taxable status you set for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemWeight}
- This is the weight you gave the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemUserFieldA}
- This is the Shop Notes 1 info you entered for the DocMart item.
- {InventoryItemUserFieldB}
- This is the Shop Notes 2 info you entered for the DocMart item.
Ledger Fields
- {LedgerNote}
- This is the note attached to the ledger entry.
- {LedgerAmount}
- This is the total amount tied to the ledger entry.
- {LedgerPaymentMethod}
- This is the payment method used during payment of the ledger entry.
- {LedgerEntryDetails}
- Expanded details related to the payment method for this ledger entry.
Proof Fields
- {ProofID}
- ID number of the proof.
- {ProofProjectName}
- The name of the proof.
- {ProofAdditionalDetails}
- Details about the proof.
- {ProofFileName}
- Proof download file name.
- {ProofPreviewName}
- Proof preview file name.
- {ProofStatus}
- Proof status - Pending, Accepted, Rejected.
- {ProofedOn}
- Date proof was accepted or rejected.
- {ProofComments}
- Optional comments attached when proof was accepted or rejected.
- {ProofRecipientName}
- Proof recipient name.
- {ProofRecipientEmail}
- Proof recipient email.
- {ProofRecipientNotifiedOn}
- Date recipient was notified about proof.
- {ProofRecipientFirstNotifiedOn}
- First date recipient was notified about proof.
- {ProofRecipientLastNotifiedOn}
- Most recent date recipient was notified about proof.
- {ProofURL}
- URL to the Proof.
- {ProofTokenURL}
- URL to the Proof that allows access without signing in.