Midnight v7.1.7 (4/23/2022) Release Notes Follow
Payment Surcharge Improvements - Services vs Postage
You can now configure at multiple levels different Surcharges percentages or flat fees on Services vs Postage with different combinations for Credit Card vs ACH. Start by configuring in Global Settings.
You are also able to override the Global Setting percentage on a customer by customer basis. If "Enable Customer Surcharge Override" is checked, it will pull the values from the Customer configuration. This will allow you to negotiate a discount for that VIP customer and Midnight will remember the setting when processing the payment.
Finally, you are able to override the surcharge when processing a Manual Payment. This will allow you the flexibility of changing the surcharge for postage or services at the time the payment is processed. There is also a security setting on this option to prevent users from changing the global or customer setup.
ShopFloor "Actual" Break Improvements
You can set up Midnight so that "actual" break time is recorded for employees. At the employee record, you designate Paid/Unpaid Breaks. In Global Settings --> Shopfloor tab, you can change the label names for these break periods.
When Unpaid/Paid Breaks are enabled at the employee record, the actual break time is deducted from the job cost record(s) and the time record.
User-Defined Fields on Drops
On the Drops tab, you can now define up to five drop-level related User-Defined Fields.
Customer CRM Settings Tab
We have added a new tab to the CRM record --> Settings.
This new tab is home to the customer-specific settings. We've relocated the Account Warning message, Tax Status information, and Payment Settings. More features will be coming soon!
DJB Columns Added
We have added two new columns to the DJB Task View --> Project Name and Project Version Name. These two new columns can help you sort and filter information on the DJB.
(The preexisting column that contained these two Midnight fields in one display column, still exist.)
New Standard Report
Drops - On Time (Reports tree --> Production Reports --> Drops - On Time)