Printer's Plan version 2022.5 Release Notes Follow
The following features and improvements were added to the 2022.5 release of Printer's Plan.
Email Open Invoices
In the AR Payment window for a customer account there is a new Email Open Invoices button:
Clicking this button will generate an email message with a PDF copy of each of the unpaid invoices for the customer account:
The body of the email message can be customized using the AROpenInvoices.html (or AROpenInvoices.TXT) email template. This template file is located in the Email folder in the directory where the Printer's Plan database is stored.
The attention address of the email will be to the customer’s default payer.
This feature requires the Printer's Plan SMTP client, and the pdf copy of the invoice will use the print options that were selected when the invoice was originally printed. If there are no saved print options on the job, the program will use the default invoice print options.
Print a copy of the Invoice from the A/R Payment Window
In the A/R Payment window, there is now an option to Print an Invoice for the selected job.
You can only print one invoice at a time using this feature.
Sort Shipments
In the Shipments and Labels window, under the Shipments section you can now sort the shipment records by clicking the column header:
In Scheduler, under the Department/Center folder, this view now includes columns for the Sales Rep and CSR fields:
Separate Credit Card and ACH Surcharge Rates
When implementing a payment processing surcharge, you can now have a separate surcharge rate for Credit Card payments and ACH payment. These rates are established in the Settings/Print Reach Pay/Payment Processing window:
Additional Fixes:
- When printing the Amount Due at the top of the invoice, on amounts greater than $1,000 the amount was not formatted as currency. This is now fixed.
- If an attached document included the ' character as part of the file name Printer's Plan returned an error 2 when trying to open the file. This is now fixed.
- In the Customers section, when selecting one of the list options in the Vendors folder, if the 'Exclude Hidden Customers' option was enabled Printer's Plan displayed an error message. This is now fixed.
- When printing a quote document, the 'Other Options' print options were mislabeled, for instance, the ‘ask shipped today’ showed instead of prices for more quantities. This is now fixed.
- When sending an email message, the Last Email and Last Survey date fields of a contact were not being updated. This is now fixed.
- When a payment is received from the Hosted Payment Page (Print Reach Central), payment data is added to the note field of the job. Previously this note had the text “Print Reach Pay” hardcoded as the payment method on this entry. Now it uses the default payment type name established in the Payment Processing Settings window (Requires Printer's Plan API version 4/28/2022 or later).
- For the Shipping Integrations, previously Printer's Plan could only integrate with a single instance of ShipLeap, now multiple instances of ShipLeap can be integrated.
- API Change (Printer's Plan API version 4/25/2022 or later): Web order customer integration using the DUNS Identity of the cXML file.
When creating a new web order from a cXML file, the hierarchy to determine the customer account uses the following logic:
- Check if the extrinsic field "PrintersPlanCustomerNo" / "SiteIntegration-CustomerID" for a valid customer number. If that fails to produce a match:
- Check the "DUNS" Identity field for a valid customer number. If that fails to produce a match:
- Check the "InteropID" field for a valid customer number. If that fails to produce a match:
- Check the Buyer Email address. If that fails to produce a match the job will be assigned to the PlanWeb customer (#20).