Printer's Plan Purchase Order Tool Follow
With this flexible tool, you can now print and email Purchase Orders easily and quickly.
To see it in action watch our training video on the Purchase Orders
How to open the Purchase order window
Purchase Order Window - Data Sections
The Purchase Order window has eight distinct Data Sections
When you open the window, Printer’s Plan initializes the Data Sections based on a Purchase Order Template. Here’s how Printer’s Plan selects a template:
- Printer’s Plan selects the Vendor’s Template if a vendor is assigned to the selected Service and the
Vendor’s Template exists, such as PO Vendor103.txt. - Printer’s Plan selects the Default Template (PO Default.txt) if no vendor is assigned to the selected
Service or the Vendor’s Template does not exist. - If both steps fail, Printer’s Plan initializes the data as described below.
Data Sections: How Printer’s Plan Initializes Data
Purchase Order Template
The Purchase Order layout is built-in to Printer’s Plan and cannot be customized. However, you can
customize the data that goes into the document.
Printer’s Plan Initializes the Data Sections based on a Purchase Order Template.
How to Create Vendor Specific Templates
- Copy and paste the PO Default.txt file.
- Rename it as “PO Vendor” + Vendor’s Number + “.txt”. Example: PO Vendor103.txt.
- Open the template in Windows Notepad.
- Add plain text and/or Data Fields to the Template Sections. See the Fields for PO Templates.txt file
for the data fields you can use.
Template Sections: How You Can Customize the Initialization
A Purchase Order Template has six sections.
How to Print Your Logo on Purchase Orders
- On your Printer’s Plan server computer, where PlanData.mdb is located, create a bitmap image. Add your company logo, address, phone to the image. Name the image as LogoPO.bmp.
TIP: Copy and paste your LogoPrint.bmp and rename it. - Check the Company Logo option. If unchecked or LogoPO.bmp does not exist, your company name and address will be printed.
NOTE: You can set the default options in the Settings section > Printing > Document Options >
Purchase Order.