Using the Reminders Tool Follow
The Reminder tool is designed to remind you of actions to be taken and events that will occur.
These actions and events may include:
- Following up quotes,
- Ordering certain items, such as toner for a copier and a part for the folder,
- Calling a customer about a specific job in the shop,
- Meeting with a customer
- Checking with a vendor about the status of a die-cutting job you have sent out.
The Reminder tool is available in all sections of Printer’s Plan.
Click the Reminder button on the upper-right corner of the Printer’s Plan screen to enter a new
reminder and to view the existing ones.
What field: Click to select the type of the reminder.
You can customize the Reminder Types list in Settings | General Settings | Reminder Types.
When fields: Click the first field to select the date of the action about which the reminder is set.
In the second field, click the arrow to select the time from the list or enter the time manually.
The list of times cannot be modified.
Who field: Click to select the person, for whom the reminder is scheduled, from the customer
service reps list.
NOTE: If the reminder is not scheduled for anyone specific, select “unassigned”.
You can modify the Customer Service Reps list in Settings | Employees | Service Reps.
You may also add salespeople or other staff members to this list.
Status field: Select “To Do” when the reminder is active. Select “Done” when the action is
Note field: Enter notes about the reminder.
Print icon: Click to print the Reminder window
Options List
Default list
When you open Reminder, the reminders will be listed according to the option selected on
this list. To view them in another way at any time, click the button on the upper-left.
Do you want to include reminders from all sections?
If you select “No”, then, in each section of Printer’s Plan, you will see only the reminders
entered in that section.
Do you want the Reminders window to open (pop up) automatically?
If you select “Yes”, then, each time you open Printer’s Plan, the Reminders window will also
open automatically if there are reminders for today or earlier.
“Done” Reminders
If you have chosen to include the “Done” reminders in the Reminders window, they will
show in grey as below:
Reminders for Quotes and Orders
Then, you will be able to easily open this Quote or Order directly from the Reminders window
and follow up by phone or email.
Reminders for Customers and Services
You can also enter a reminder for a specific customer or a service from within the customer and
service windows respectively.
Then, the Reminders window will appear as below: