Update Paper And Other Service Costs Follow
Update Costs From File
This feature links the Printer’s Plan Services with a comma or tab delimited text file. Typically, you receive this file from your vendor. You may re-name the file. For example: MacPaper.csv, VendorPapers.txt.
Following instructions use Papers for demonstration. However, you can use this feature for other vendor products, such as Promotional Items.
Step 1: Copy the file you received from your vendor to the Printer’s Plan Server / Documents / Vendor
Documents folder
Cloud-Hosted Printer's Plan Directory is accessed through the RemoteApp for Windows or Microsoft Remote Desktop App for Mac under Explorer (Work Resource) and is found here: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PlanWeb\App_Data\Documents\VendorDocuments
Step 2: Select Paper / (Category). The following example uses the Bond category. (To include all papers in the Update Costs window, select the Paper Department and not a Category.)
Step 3: Click the Update Costs button, or select Update Costs from Service Settings.
Step 4: Select Update Costs from a File and click OK
Step 5: Printer’s Plan opens the Update Costs window, which has three tabs: Link Fields, View Data and
Update Costs.
Step 6: Link Fields: Click the tab. This is the first step to link the Printer’s Plan fields with the Vendor fields. You can link as many as five fields, including the SKU and COST fields which are required.
- SKU: Required. This is the KEY field to connect a Printer’s Plan Service and the Vendor Data.
- COST: Required. Printer’s Plan uses this link to copy data from the vendor field.
- Name, Size and Color fields are for information. They help you build/verify the connection.
To link these fields, right-click a vendor field. A list of Printer’s Plan fields appears. Select one that
corresponds to the vendor’s selected field. `Check the Sample Data column to verify the links. When
you are finished linking fields, click Save Link File.
Printer’s Plan saves the link data in a text file. The name of this file includes the vendor’s file name.
In this example, the vendor’s file is VendorPapers.txt and the saved link file is LinkFields_VendorPapers.txt.
Step 7: View Data: Click the tab. This step is for you to review the linked data based on the SKU field. You
may go back to the previous step if you need to.
Step 8: Update Costs: Click the tab. The Update Costs window displays the current costs of the papers
listed. New Costs of the linked Services are populated from vendor’s file. You may review and adjust
the new costs. Printer’s Plan displays the amount and percentage of the difference (change)
between the current and new costs. It also checkmarks the box. If you do not want to save a new
cost, remove its checkmark.
Note: Alternatively you may enter the change in cost either in dollar amount or percentage. Then
Printer’s Plan will calculate the new cost and enter it in the New Cost field.
Step 9: Click Save and Close.
Update Costs Manually
Step 1: Select Paper / Bond to list the papers in the Bond Category.
To list all papers, select the Paper Department (do not select a Category).
Step 2: Click the Update Costs button, or select Update Costs from Service Settings.
Step 3: Select Update Costs Manually, and click OK.
Step 4: The Update Costs window displays the current costs of the papers listed. Enter the new cost of a
paper. Printer’s Plan displays the amount and percentage of the difference (change) between the
current costs and the new costs. It also checkmarks the box. Continue entering new costs.
Note: Alternatively you may enter the change in cost either in dollar amount or in percentage. Then
Printer’s Plan calculates the new cost and enters it in the New Cost field.
Step 5: Click Save and Close after entering new costs.
Printer’s Plan also saves today’s date as the modified (updated) date and enters it in the Note field of the
Paper with the previous and new cost information