Printer's Plan API - SSL Certificate Creation and Renewal using Let's Encrypt Follow
**It is strongly advised to use an IT team for this setup.**
Obtaining and installing an SSL certificate involves several steps, including generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), submitting it to a Certificate Authority (CA), and installing the issued certificate on your web server.
Installing and configuring Let's Encrypt on a Windows server involves using a client that supports Let's Encrypt's ACME protocol. One popular tool for this purpose is Certbot for Windows or Win-ACME. Below are steps to use Win-ACME to install and configure Let's Encrypt on a Windows server running IIS.
Link to our helper video: SSL Setup
- Set up a sub-domain to use, something like printersplan.[your domain].com.
- Add a binding to your current IIS site. Most will be "Default Web Site".
- To add a binding, open IIS.
- Select the dropdowns until you reach "Default Web Site".
- Select Bindings... on the far right-hand side.
- Click Add.
- Enter the domain name. (Leave all other settings default.)
- Click OK.
- Close the bindings window.
- Click Start on the right-hand side. (If already Started, click Restart.)
- Download Win-Acme from the following address: Win-Acme
- Extract it to a known location on your computer, for instance, C:\Program Files.
- Run wacs.exe as administrator.
- Press N to create a new certificate.
- Press 1 To Select the Default site where PlanWeb is installed.
- Press A to select all website bindings under the chosen site.
- Press Y to Confirm the listed bindings selected for an SSL Cert.
- Continue to select Y for any other prompts.
- Enter the Email address to be notified of certificate issues.
- If there are no errors, Done.
This sets up auto-renewals on its own so nothing else needs to be done.