Limited Release - Password Requirement Changes - July 15, 2024 Follow
In anticipation of releasing multi-factor authentication (MFA), we are implementing several new security enhancements. Effective July 15, 2024, the following updates will be seen when logging into Midnight.
- All Midnight system user accounts will require a password reset with stronger requirements. Upon logging into Midnight, users will be prompted to reset their password. A password reset link will be emailed to the associated email address on the account.
- Any Midnight system user accounts with no activity within the last 30 days will have their passwords reset and accounts locked. To unlock these accounts, a System Admin will need to access the account in Midnight (Settings > Employees > User Login and Permissions), set a new password, and uncheck the lock checkbox.
If you are using the REST API, you must request a new token associated with the updated password. After resetting your password, you can request a new token here.
Attention Shop Floor Users:
The password reset process must be initiated for the associated Shop Floor user account by entering the username and password using the Midnight login screen.
Report Update: To help you manage these password changes we've made a change to our Employee List report. We've added the Email column to the report.
Questions? Please contact or 888-581-3100.