Posting Orders to History (A/R) Follow
About Posting
After you have shipped a job and printed an invoice for it, you no longer need the Order in your Orders list. It must be filed away to History so you can refer to it later when you need to, such as when the customer reorders the same job. In Printer’s Plan, the process of converting an Order to a History Job is called “Posting”. Also posted during this process are:
- all the payments entered into Printer’s Plan since the previous posting, and
- the Quick Sales (if you have the optional QuickSale tool) that have taken place since the previous posting.
In Printer’s Plan, Accounts Receivable (A/R) and most of the Sales reports read the data directly from History Jobs; therefore, the pricing of an Order (subtotal, shipping and postage charges, sales tax, etc.) appears in the accounts receivable data and in most of the reports only after the Order has been posted.
When to Post
In order to keep your accounts receivable and sales reports up-to-date, we recommend that you post to history daily. Some organizations though prefer to post every few days or even once a week.
You may post at any time during the day. Before you post, close Printer’s Plan on all computers except for the one on which you are posting. Since closing Printer’s Plan on some computers may cause an interruption of the workflow in the shop, posting at the end or the beginning of the day may be more convenient.
When is an Order Ready to Post?
An Order is ready to post when the following conditions have occurred:
- Its invoice has been printed at least once, and
- It has been assigned a Shipped Date.
The following figure illustrates an example of an Order that has met the above conditions and is ready to post.
NOTE: The only way to take an Order out of the “Ready to Post” status is to remove the “Shipped” date. To do this, open the When window and click in the box in the Shipped field to remove the check mark.
Caution: Posting is not reversible. After an Order is posted and it becomes a History Job, you cannot convert it back to its original Order properties. (To make revisions in History Jobs, please see “Correcting Invoices”.) Therefore, we strongly recommend that you verify the Orders before posting them and that you backup your database before you post. If you post an Order by mistake, restoring your backup is the only way to return to the pre-posting stage. (To perform a quick backup, go to Home | About | My Database.)
Posting process
Wait until after all the payments of the day have been entered into Printer’s Plan, then backup your database.
1. In the Jobs section, list the Ready to Post Orders.
Verify the Orders to be posted. If an Order is not shipped yet but is accidentally marked Shipped, open the Order and remove the Shipped date.
2. In A/R, open Invoices Ready-to-Post, and click List. The same Ready to Post Orders list you saw in the Jobs section appears on the right.
3. To post all the Orders on the list, click Post Now…
If the list includes Orders that you do not want to post yet, select (highlight) the Orders you want to post, and then click Post Now…
When you click Post Now…, the Post window appears, giving you the option to post only the highlighted Orders or all of them.
4. Select the appropriate option, and click OK to post. A confirmation window appears.
5. If you haven’t backed up yet, click No to cancel the posting, and then back up your database. Otherwise, click Yes. A second confirmation window appears.
6. Click Yes. When the posting is finished, a message window appears, summarizing the posted items.
7. Click OK. The Print window opens, listing all the Posting Reports that are available to print.
Print Window For Posting Reports
Posting reports give information on the Orders, Payments, and QuickSale items (if you have the optional QuickSale tool) that were just posted.
8. Check/uncheck any reports that you do/do not want to print.
9. Click Print Now or Print to... to print the reports.
NOTE: To change the default selections of reports in this window, go to Settings > Printing > Favorite Posting Reports.
Re-printing the Posting Reports at a Later Time
You can, at any time, re-print the Posting reports for a specific “posting” in the past.
1. Go to the Reports section.
2. Open Posting Journal.
3. Right-click on any one of the options (Regular Sales, Total Sales, or All Fields)
and select Add Filter…
The Find window appears.
4. Define the date or the number of the “posting”, and click Find Now. The “posting”
is listed as a line item on the right.
5. Select the item and click Print. The Print window appears.
6. Select Posting Reports to print the reports for the selected "posting".