Assessing a Late Fee (A/R) Follow
A late fee is any penalty or interest you want to charge for a past due invoice.
NOTE: In order to be able to charge a late fee to a customer, the Late Fee field in the customer’s setup window must be set to Charge.
Charging Late Fee
Printer’s Plan does not charge Late Fee to past-due invoices automatically. Follow the steps below to charge a Late Fee:
1. In List Manager of the A/R section, click Chargeable under Late Fee.
The list that appears on the right includes the past due invoices for customers whose Late Fee field in the Customer setup window is set to Charge.
2. Highlight the Invoices to which you want to apply a late fee, and click the Charge Late Fee button (near the upper right of the window).
A window appears, showing the late fee options.
3. If you wish to change the options, do so now. Any changes you make will be saved for the
next time you open this window. The options are listed below:
- Late Fee Percentage %: The balance of the invoice will be multiplied by this percentage to calculate the Late Fee.
- Minimum Charge per Invoice $: The Late Fee assigned to an invoice will never be less than the amount entered in this field.
- Charge Late Fee on Late Fee?:
- If you select Yes: If the balance of an invoice includes a late fee charged previously, the new Late Fee will be calculated based on this balance.
- If you select No: The Late Fee charged previously will be excluded from the new Late Fee calculation.
4. Click OK. A confirmation window appears.
5. Click Yes to apply the Late Fee to the selected invoices.
- The Late Fee amount will show in the Late Fee field of the Totals window.
- If a Late Fee had been charged to an invoice previously, the new Late Fee will be added to the existing Late Fee.
- The balance of the invoice will be updated with the new Late Fee charge.
Viewing Invoices to Which a Late Fee Has Been Charged:
In the A/R section, click Late Fee under Charged. A list of invoices, to which Late Fee has been charged, appears on the right.
Removing a Late Fee
Sometimes a customer sends a payment for an invoice, and the amount of the payment equals
the invoice balance minus the Late Fee amount. You may decide to apply the payment and
forgo the Late Fee charges.
Removing a Late Fee While You Are in the Customer’s Payment Window
1. In the Payment window of the customer, highlight the invoice. (Do not check the box next to the invoice yet.)
2. Click the Edit Job Totals button on the left pane.
The Job Totals window opens.
3. In the Late Fee field, change the amount to 0.00.
4. Click OK to close the Job Totals window. Now you can proceed with paying the invoice.
Removing a Late Fee While You Are in the List Manager Screen
1. In the A/R section, click Charged under Late Fee.
2. Double-click the invoice from which you want to remove the Late Fee. The History
Job window opens.
3. Click Job Totals.
4. In the Job Totals window, change the amount in the Late Fee field to 0.00.
5. Click OK to save.
6. In the Job window, click Close to return to the Late Fee | Charged list.