Midnight v6.4 (05/2019) Release Notes Follow
Midnight – Version 6.4
Released May 3rd, 2019
Item Lot Improvements
Item Screen
Lot ID and Lot number are now visible and validation has been added to prevent duplicate lot numbers.
Receipt Screen
When receiving inventory a user now has the ability to create multiple lots and assign a weight, tare weight and quantity for each lot.
Add multiple lots option
Add Multiple Lots Screen
Multiple lots for the same item in receipt screen
Multiple Lots in the assign/put away screen in receipts
Order Screen
When deducting inventory on an order you now have the option to choose what lot that inventory gets pulled from and add additional lines for multiple lots using the green plus symbol.
Estimates & Orders Enhancements
Copying Print, Wide Format and Standard Services This option now allows you to copy an existing service line and add that same service as a new line item.
Once you click the Copy button, the new service is added to the line below with “_COPY” appended to the Service Description. This is useful if you need to copy a Print Calculator or Wide Format service and only needing to change a few variables within the calculator. This will copy all of the details for print, wide format and standard services.
Creating a PO or Request within an Order We have added a new Purchase Order tab within the Order page. This new enhancement will allow you to create a PO or Request without leaving the Order that you are working on.
Once you click Add New PO, the Order # field auto populates with the Order that you are creating the PO or Request from. After you fill out the record and click Save & Close, you are redirected back to the original Order.
You can also manage the PO’s or Requests from within the Order.
Purchase Orders
Unit of Measure The purpose of this enhancement is to be able to purchase roll material in the PO module and also receive a roll into inventory easily and correctly.
A new PO UM, Base Factor and BUM columns have been added to the PO page.
PO UM = PO Unit of Measure
- • This column will populate with the Display unit of measure by default.
- • If an item is a material type of roll then the UM column will display as a Roll
- • If a user clicks edit the unit of measure cell will be a dropdown that allows you to pick the units assigned to the item in inventory. For a regular inventory item this may be just each, for a roll item this may be inch, foot or roll.
Base Factor
- • This column populates the unit of conversion that is setup in Admin when the PO UM is selected.
BUM = Base Unit of Measure
- • This column populates based on the BUM that is setup for the inventory item.
Proofs Enhancements
File Types We have now included XLS and XLSX as a supported file type when sending proofs.
Proof Request Email We have locked down the To: field when sending a proof request. Only email addresses that are entered within the Proof Request will be included in the To: field.
DJB Enhancements
Past Due Tasks This enhancement will allow users to easily see orders and tasks that are past their scheduled date. The row of the DJB will highlight in red when the scheduled task date is less than today’s date. Orders that are past their due date will also highlight in red if the due date is less than today’s date.
Auto Task Rescheduling The purpose of this enhancement is to keep a user form having to reschedule tasks every time a due date changes. The action that triggers this functionality is the change of the header due date or the version due date. When either of these dates change any scheduled tasks for that version will update its task start date and end date appropriately.
When a due date is changed in the header from the Orders screen or from the Package/Version tab and the users saves the record, they will receive the following message:
Inventory Enhancements
Inventory Receipt Screen A new Receipt UM column has been added to the Receipt page. This column will populate with the unit of measure defined in the Purchase order when selecting a PO from the list.
Inventory Item A new PO Unit of Measure field has been added to the inventory item page. This drives what populates the PO UM when creating a Purchase Order.
Admin Menu
File Management Tool This tool allows users to see what files have been attached to the different modules. This tool will also have a visual representation of how much space is being used by each of the 5 modules where attachments are used. After selecting the files that you want to download, clicking Download Selected will Zip all selected files and download them.
The files downloaded should remain selected after download so that the user can delete them if desired. The Delete selected will allow the user to delete all selected files with one click. The delete action will have a warning prompt asking the user if they would really like to delete the files.
Employee Profile The purpose of this enhancement is to allow users to customize their individual signature that is included in all system generated emails. When the “Use personalized signature instead of system default signature” is checked, the system will use the Email Signature defined in the user profile page for the logged in user. Any place the standard system email signature is used it will be replaced with the users email signature. To access My Profile, simply click Edit Profile at the top of the Midnight page, below your name.
-Vendor validation added to Purchase Orders so a PO cannot be created without a Vendor.
-Print calculator locking improvement
-Chrome would auto-fill the username of the user logged into Midnight on certain fields
-PO Shipping Address on PO Copy
-Contract Pricing Project Date changes when editing the project