Midnight v5.3 (03/2017) Release Notes Follow
Midnight – Version 5.3
Released March 3rd, 2017
Orders / Estimates:
– New Feature: ‘Closed Order Message Box’ has been introduced. A closed Order is defined as having a Close Date. When a user opens a closed Order, this message will notify the user that the Order is closed, and making any modifications could potentially affect reporting and scheduling. This message box notification can be enabled/disabled in Admin->Global Settings->Estimates/Orders. By default, this new message has been toggled on.
– New Feature: Ability to Lock an Order once it has been exported to the accounting system. Locking an order so it can’t be edited will be driven by whether or not it has been exported to your accounting system. We use this to drive the Order locking process because it is not uncommon for a CSR or Production Manager to update an Order with accurate quantities or unforeseen additional services after the order has been completed/closed. Lock functionality is enabled/disabled in Admin->Global Settings->Estimates/Orders tab. If you want to turn it on, select the check box labeled, ‘Lock Order after export to Accounting System’. By default, this new functionality is NOT enabled in your site. We want you to manually enable this feature since this is optional functionality. Only individuals with the correct security permission will be able to edit a locked order. By default, we have provided your Administrator security role with the ability to edit a locked order. Go to Admin->Security->Create RoleRight to manage permissions. Any role with the Read/Write check box selected for the ‘EditLockedOrder’ security item will be able to edit a locked order (see screenshot below). Lastly, even if an order is locked, one can view reports, copy an Order, or export an Order to an Estimate.
– New Feature: Ability to freeze the Unit Price or Extended Price of a service line item on an Estimate or Order. Locking the Extended Price may be important when your client has signed off on the estimate you provided, but you want to update a quantity to reflect true job costing numbers, but don’t want to effect the price. Simply lock the Extended price and update the quantity(s)! Same is true of Unit Price. Perhaps you have the unit price dialed in with appropriates discounts or markups, but want to update quantity for accurate job costing and don’t want to risk the Unit Price changing. In order to lock either of these fields, simply right-click anywhere on the service line item. If you want to unfreeze an item, right-click again and toggle it off. Both the Unit Price and Extended Price cannot be frozen at the same time. When you have locked either, all custom pricing is ignored (customer specific pricing, volume discounts, contract pricing, etc.). You can visually tell when either is locked because the background color of the cell is shaded. Please note: if you copy an Estimate or Order, the locked status of these fields is moved forward with the copy.
Wide Format Calculator updates:
– The Wide Format material used in the calculator now automatically adds to the inventory tab in the Orders Module and when an estimate is converted to an order.
– The estimated time for wide Format prints are now populating the DJB for accurate scheduling.
– Now the Description auto populates only once, this allows you to edit this field and it will not get overwritten.
– Customer Specific pricing has now been integrated into the calculator.
Print Estimating Calculator Updates:
– New Feature: Lock Pricing – The Lock Pricing enhancement allows a user to lock the pricing in the calculator so you can change the press paper or ink without affecting the customer’s price. The calculator will then calculate the correct costs and specs with the new information to create an accurate work order. Lock / Unlock by simply clicking the lock icon.
– New Feature: Volume Pricing brings a larger economy of scale to the Midnight Print Calculator. This allows a user to assign volume rates or discounts to either the Print Product Templates or the Print Calculator itself.
– New Feature: The enhanced make ready features in the Print Calculator now allow you to estimate make ready, repeat make ready and wash-ups based on color unit. The calculator will now calculate how many colors the job has and based on the run type and max colors on the press determine how many make ready the job needs allowing for a much more accurate estimate of print costs and time.
– The calculator is now checking to make sure your run sheet size does not exceed the maximum sheet size allowed on the selected press. The calculator is also checking if the color options selected for your job exceed the max colors for the selected press. If it does, the calculator adds additional make ready and press time for the extra labor.
– The checkboxes on Reg Marks and Color Bar are now functional, as well as adding a checkbox for press check.
– The sets field is now always available no matter how many pages are needed.
Dynamic Job Board:
– The Estimated Time link on the Task View now performs much faster when clicked.
– The Order Dialog now loads much faster as well. This is the page that pops up when you click the Order#
– All quantity columns have been formatted to use a “,” separator so it’s easier to read the numbers. For example, 10,0000 will appear formatted this way rather than 10000.
– Added Pagination to the bottom of the CRM->Open Activities search page, and the Real-Time Activities search page. This greatly increased performance.
– We implemented our standard grids on the CRM->Customer->Pending tab and History tab to improve the user interface.
– The Bill To and Ship To address blocks have swapped positions to be consistent with how they are presented on the Order Shipping Tab.
– The Time displayed on the Pending and History tabs is now displayed in a 12hr format rather than a 24hr format.
– The user dropdown on the Schedule Activity page now displays ones full name, rather than their username.
– Added the ability to schedule an activity from the Quick Links panel located on left side of page.
– New Feature: Update pricing for all customers associated with Parent company. This enhancement is intended to be a convenient way to update customer specific pricing for all customers who have identified a given customer as their Parent. Meaning, more and more of you are setting up customers in CRM and then selecting a Parent Company. This new feature will allow you to apply updated parent company pricing to all customers that have identified the given customer as their ‘Parent Company’ without having to go and update them one-by-one. A new button has been added to the bottom of the CRM/Pricing tab, “Copy Pricing to Children”. Few things you should know: If a service in the parent does not exist in the child, then it is added to the child to match the parent. If both share the same service, then the child will be updated to match the parent. If a child has a service that the parent does not, it is simply left alone. Lastly, the button text is dynamic. Inside the parentheses, we display how many customers have the given company identified as their parent company. For example, on the screen shot below, you can see that that the given customer is a parent to 6 other customers. You will be presented with a warning message confirming you want to perform the action when you select this button.
Job Costing: On the Job Cost search page, the Job # column has been widened to improve usability.
- • Job Detail Analysis report: Added a Run Count / Quantity column to the Labor section so you can see what was done for the given job costing record.
- • The Open Orders by Rep, and Open Orders by CSR reports both show full name in the report parameter dropdown (rather than initials).
– Null Order or Order Version UDF date fields will no longer appear on DJB with a format of 1/1/0001.
– Addressed display issue on Shipment Reconciliation report.
– Services associated with Deleted Orders will no longer be available on the DBJ Calendar and Timeline views.
– Addressed format issue of the ItemID field in Inventory section on the Job Detail Analysis report.
– Addressed issue with CRM alerts popping up for users.
– Issues/Resolutions Report – showing correct department value.
– Addressed default logic for Company field in the Billing / Shipping address blocks should it be null when a new contact is selected.
– Addressed issue with closed orders displaying on order search when the ‘show versions’ check box is selected in extended search.
– Addressed sorting issue on the Postage Detail by Customer report.
– Wide Format Calculator: Additional Services on the work order now show only under the correct print item.
– Wide Format Calculator: Wizard Additional Service descriptions now showing on work order.
– Wide Format Calculator: Wizard Additional Service descriptions now showing on line item details popup.
– Wide Format Calculator: Printer Quality dropdown now functioning correctly when the calculator is launched.
– Print Estimating Calculator: Update Qty now calculates the correct total when returning to the original quantity.
– Print Estimating Calculator: Improved Multi Part Calculator stability when adding additional services to multiple tabs.
– Print Estimating Calculator: Fixed Multi Part Additional Services being calculated twice on certain orders and Invoices.
– Print Estimating Calculator: Max Plate Impressions now loading correctly from the press standard to templates and the calculator.