UPS WorldShip Integration Follow
There is a way to have the UPS WorldShip software pull in data from Printer's Plan.
To integrate with UPS WorldShip you will want to add the following report to your program.
1. To add this report:
- Select the 'Custom Queries' folder so it is highlighted.
- Press 'Ctrl+Alt+Q' keys together. This will open the User Defined List window.
2. In the 'User Defined Query' window:
In the Name field, type in the name that you want to call this report. *Make sure that the name of the report does not include any spaces.
In the SQL part enter the following statement:
SELECT Jobs.JobNo, Jobs.Title, Jobs.PO, Jobs.DateDue, (Shipto.Attention) AS [ShipTo Attention], Contacts.Email, Contacts.Phone, Contacts.SendEmail, Shipto.Phone AS [ShipTo Phone], Customers.Name AS BillTo, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.Name,Shipto.Company) AS ShipTo, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.Address,Shipto.Address) AS Address, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.Address,Shipto.Address2) AS Address2, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.City,Shipto.City) AS City, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.State,Shipto.State) AS State, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.Zip,Shipto.Zip) AS Zip, IIf(Jobs.ShiptoNo=0,Customers.Country,Shipto.Country) AS Country
FROM (ShipTo RIGHT JOIN (Customers INNER JOIN Jobs ON Customers.CusNo = Jobs.CusNo) ON ShipTo.ShiptoNo = Jobs.ShiptoNo) LEFT JOIN Contacts ON Jobs.BuyerNo = Contacts.ContactNo
WHERE (((Jobs.JobType)=0))
3. Click Save to save the report
Restart Printer’s Plan and return to the Reports Section to run the report.
Once this query is added to the Printer’s Plan database, the Worldship program should be able to pull this data.
You may need to have your UPS representative come to the shop so that he can configure WorldShip to connect to this query.