Printer's Plan QuickBooks Payment Integration Follow
As part of the Printer's Plan 2024 update, payment data entered in Printer's Plan can now be exported/imported into QuickBooks Desktop. For details on how to export Sales or Invoice data please refer to the following knowledge base articles:
QuickBooks Invoice Data Integration Guide
QuickBooks Sales Data Integration Guide
Printer's Plan Settings
To enable the payment export, in Printer's Plan navigate to Settings>Third Party Integrations>QuickBooks window:
This window includes the following sections and fields:
Export Options:
Data To Export Field
- Sales - This selection exports the lump sum sales and payment totals as outlined in the QuickBooks Sales Data Integration Guide. Individual invoices and payment records are not exported.
- Invoices - This selection exports the invoices created in Printer's Plan as outlined in the QuickBooks Invoice Data Integration Guide.
- Payments - This selection exports the payment transactions captured in Printer's Plan.
- Invoices + Payments - This selection exports the invoices and payment transactions created in Printer's Plan.
Export Method: When the Data to Export field is set to Payments, or Invoices + Payments, the Export Method field will be set to IIF File. In a later update, we will add the Direct Connect option for the payment export.
Payment Export Options
The Payment Export Options section applies to customers that are integrated with Print Reach Pay and charge a Program Fee on payment transactions.
Include Program Fee in Payment Export?: When this field is set to No, the export file will not include the Program Fee amount as part of the payment transactions. This field should be set to No if you are not charging a Program Fee on payment transactions, or if you manually enter the Program Fees into QuickBooks.
When this field is set to Yes, the export file will include the Program Fee amount as part of the payment transaction. Additionally, the export file will include a transaction that creates a Program Fee invoice in QuickBooks.
Tax Program Fee: When this field is set to No, the Program Fee invoice that is created in QuickBooks will be non-taxed.
When this field is set to Yes, the Program Fee invoice that is created in QuickBooks from the export file will include tax. This tax rate is based on the customer's default tax rate and not the tax rate assigned to a job. This is due to the fact that a payment could pay multiple invoices, both taxed, and non-taxed. Please note, because the tax amount on the Program Fee charge is a calculated value there is potential to have a .01 discrepancy due to rounding.
Additional Settings:
If the Program Fee Payments are exported to QuickBooks the following setting needs to be configured:
- In the Settings>Accounting>QuickBooks Accounts window, the Progam Fee field needs to be set to a valid QuickBooks Account:
QuickBooks Settings
Payment Methods:
Each of the Payment Types established in Printer's Plan will need an exact match in QuickBooks. The Printer's Plan Payment Methods can be found in the Settings>Accounting>Payment Types window:
In QuickBooks, the Payment Methods can be found in the List>Customer & Vendor Profile Lists>Payment Method List:
Program Fee Settings:
If the Program Fee Payments are exported to QuickBooks, the Program Fee Income Account and Item List selection need to be added to QuickBooks.
Program Fee Income Account:
To add the Program Fee Income Account, navigate to the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts and create a new account:
The Account Type field should be set to Income, and the Account Name should match the Printer's Plan account name. The Printer's Plan account name is configured in the Settings>Accounting>QuickBooks Accounts window as outlined earlier in this guide.
Program Fee Item List Option:
To add the Program Fee Item List option, navigate to the QuickBooks List>Item List window. In this window click New to add a new Item List option:
In the New Item window, set the Item Name field to the exact same text as the user-defined program fee name established in Printer's Plan. This name is configured in the Printer's Plan Settings>Print Reach Pay>Payment Processing window:
In the QuickBooks New Item window, set the Account field to the Program Fee account that was created in the earlier step.
General Accounts and Taxes:
If you have previously integrated Printer's Plan with QuickBooks you can skip this section.
General Accounts Configuration:
Each of the accounts in the Printer's Plan Settings>Accounting>QuickBooks Accounts window needs to have a matching account in QuickBooks.
- In QuickBooks, click Lists and select Chart of Accounts.
- Create the following accounts, using the suggested account type.
Sales Tax Configuration:
- If you charge for taxes, make sure QuickBooks is set up to use taxes. In QuickBooks go to Edit>
Preferences>Sales Tax>Company Preferences. In this window, set the Do you charge sales
tax? field to Yes
- To add a tax item, in the Sales Tax>Company Preferences window click the Add sale tax item…
button. - In the New Item window that appears, set the Type field to Sales Tax Item
- In the Sales Tax Name field enter the Printer’s Plan tax name. This name should match up with
the value in the Name field from the Printer’s Plan Settings>Accounting>Taxes window. - In the Tax Rate field enter the tax rate.
- In the Tax Agency field select the Printer’s Plan QuickBooks Tax Agency. This field should match
up with the value in the QuickBooks Tax Agency field from the Printer’s Plan Settings>
Accounting >Taxes window.
Integration Workflow
In the Reports section open the Posting Journal folder and select Regular Sales. This will list all the postings for the selected date range. Highlight a posting (or postings) and click the Export button:
In the Export window select one of the export options and click OK. This will create the export file. In QuickBooks navigate to the File menu, and select Utilities>Import>IIF files:
In the window that appears, select the IIF file exported from Printer's Plan and click Open:
This will import all payment transactions from the selected posting(s). In QuickBooks, the payments will be listed in the Customer Center>Received Payments list:
The Memo field of the Payment Record will indicate which invoice (or invoices) were paid with the payment.
All imported payments need to be manually applied to invoices in QuickBooks. This is required by QuickBooks and aligns with standard accounting rules.
Payment Export with Program Fees:
If Program Fees are included in the export file, then the following adjustments will occur when the file is imported into QuickBooks.
1. The Payment Amount on the Payment record will include the transaction fee. Additionally, the Memo field of this record will display the program fee payment number, along with the program fee amount:
2. To capture the Program Fee charge, a Program Fee invoice will be created in QuickBooks:
To assist with reconciliation, this invoice will have the following structure:
- Invoice #: This field will be set to a value of "Fee-Printer's Plan Payment Number". Please note, this field is limited to 11 characters.
- Item Code: This field is set to the Printer's Plan user-defined program fee name as established in the Printer's Plan Settings>Print Reach Pay>Payment Processing window. And configured in QuickBooks as outlined earlier in this document.
- Item Description: This field is set to the Printer's Plan user-defined program fee name and payment number.
- Amount: This field is set to the amount of the program fee for the payment transaction. If the Tax Program Fee option is set to yes, then a portion of the program fee will be split into the tax field of the invoice.
For example, if the Program Fee is $8.00 and the customer's tax rate is 6%, the invoice in QuickBooks will have an amount of $7.55 and a tax amount of $0.45. This tax rate calculation is based on the customer's default tax rate and not the tax rate assigned to a job.
The payment transaction would then be manually applied to the corresponding invoices, including the Program Fee invoice.
Please Note the following limitation with the integration:
- Negative payments (Payment reversals) are not included in this export. These transactions need to be manually entered into QuickBooks.