QuickBooks Invoice Data Integration Guide Follow
In this article, we will go over setting up the invoice data export between Printer's Plan and QuickBooks
When you select the Invoice Data option, each completed invoice originated from Printer’s Plan will be
transferred to QuickBooks. Individual invoices, and the Accounts Receivable functions, are managed in
When you select the Sales Data option, only the lump sum sales and payment totals are sent to QuickBooks. Individual invoices and the Accounts Receivable functions are managed in Printer's Plan.
To transfer data from Printer’s Plan to QuickBooks you can select one of the delivery methods options:
1. IIF File (Export/Import) Method
2. Direct Connect Method
Using the IIF Method Printer’s Plan will create a data file in the .iif format (Intuit Interchange Format),
this file is then manually imported into QuickBooks.
Using the Direct Connect method Printer’s Plan will directly connect with QuickBooks to transfer the
data in a few clicks.
Part 1: Setting Default Export Options
In this section, you will establish the default settings for exporting your Printer’s Plan data to QuickBooks.
Setting the Export Data Type
To select the type of data to export go to the tab of Printer’s Plan and open the Settings tab of Printer's Plan and open the Third Party folder. In this folder select QuickBooks and the QuickBooks Settings window will appear
To export Sales Data, in the Data to Export field select Sales
To export Invoice Data, in the Data to Export field select Invoices
Setting the Export Delivery Method
To select the method for exporting Printer’s Plan data to QuickBooks, go to the Settings tab of Printer’s
Plan and open the Third Party Integrations folder. In this folder select QuickBooks and the QuickBooks
Settings window will appear:
To generate an IIF file that can be exported from Printer’s Plan select IIF File in the Export Type field.
To transfer data using the Direct Connect method select Direct Connect in the Export Type field
To use the Direct Connect export method, the QuickBooks Foundation Class needs to be installed on the
computer that is running QuickBooks. This installation file can be downloaded from the following link:
Part 2: Configure Printer’s Plan and QuickBooks
To prepare for the transfer of invoice data from Printer’s Plan to QuickBooks you need to perform a
one-time setup in each program.
In Printer’s Plan, set up:
- Sales Reps
- QuickBooks Accounts table
- Taxes table
- Product Types Class Configuration (optional)
- Terms table
- Shipping Method table
In QuickBooks, set up:
- Chart of accounts (if you have not set it up already)
- Assigning numbers to the accounts will help with mapping them to the Printer’s Plan accounts.
- Item List
- Sales Tax
- Class List (optional)
- Terms
- Shipping Methods
Sales Rep Configuration in Printers Plan
If the IntegrationID field is blank then the sale rep data will not be sent to QuickBooks.
If you are importing invoice data via the IIF method the IntegrationID field should be populated using the following format:
Employee Name: Employee:Employee Initials In this format the Employee Name and Employee Initials are established in QuickBooks:
In this example the IntegrationID field in Printer’s Plan would look like this:
If the IntegrationID is blank then the value in the Name field will be used in the IIF export file.
QuickBooks Accounts Configuration In Printer’s Plan:
1. Set up the QuickBooks Accounts table. In the Settings tab open the Accounting folder and select
QuickBooks Accounts.
In the Acct. No. column, enter the numbers of the corresponding accounts in QuickBooks.
Note: You may enter account names instead of numbers. Then, the names must match exactly in
both programs; otherwise, the import will create a new account in QuickBooks. Therefore, using
numbers is more likely to ensure accuracy. Make sure each account in Printer’s Plan has a
matching account in QuickBooks.
Sales Tax Configuration:
1. In the Settings tab open the Accounting folder and select Taxes. For each tax row in this table
enter a QuickBooks Tax Agency. Each Entry in this table needs an exact match in QuickBooks
Important Note: If you are using the Direct Connect import method make sure the Round Tax
Up? field in Printer’s Plan is set to No
Product Type Configuration:
1. In the Settings tab open the Jobs folder and select Product Types. Each entry in this table needs
an exact match in QuickBooks (including the ‘?’ Product Type). If you are tracking class
information (optional), for each product type enter the QuickBooks class in the QuickBooks Class
Terms Table
1. In the Settings tab open the Accounting folder and select Terms. Enter each of your payment
terms in this table. Each entry in this table needs an exact match in QuickBooks.
Shipping Methods Table
1. In the Settings tab open the Jobs folder and select Shipping Methods. Enter each of your
shipping methods in this table. Each entry in this table needs an exact match in QuickBooks
QuickBooks Accounts Configuration In QuickBooks:
1. To set up the Chart of Accounts, click Lists and select Chart of Accounts
2. Create the following accounts, using the suggested account type for each.
(These are the same accounts listed in the QuickBooks Accounts table in Printer’s Plan, which is
explained in the previous section.)
3. Create other income accounts if you have not already done so.
Note: We recommend that you assign a number to each account. This will ensure accurate
mapping of QuickBooks accounts to Printer’s Plan Sales Departments as is explained later in this
document. (Numbers in the above table are arbitrary and for demonstration purposes only.)
Item List Configuration:
For each product type in Printer’s Plan you will need to create a matching Item in QuickBooks.
1. In QuickBooks go to Lists and select Item Lists. At the bottom left corner of this window click on
Item, then select New from the menu.
2. In the New Item window select Service in the Type field.
3. In the Item Name/Number field enter the corresponding Printer’s Plan Product Type name
4. In the Account field, select the sales account and click OK.
5. Repeat this for each product type in Printer’s Plan.
6. You will also need to create a new QuickBooks Item for the Shipping, Postage and Discount
Discount (For the Discount the Type field should be set to Discount):
Sales Tax Configuration:
1. If you charge for taxes, make sure QuickBooks is set up to use taxes. In QuickBooks go to Edit
|Preferences | Sales Tax | Company Preferences. In this window, set the Do you charge sales
tax? field to Yes
2. To add a tax item, in the Sales Tax | Company Preferences window click the Add sale tax item…
3. In the New Item window that appears, set the Type field to Sales Tax Item
4. In the Sales Tax Name field enter the Printer’s Plan tax name. This name should match up with
the value in the Name field from the Printer’s Plan Settings | Accounting | Taxes window.
5. In the Tax Rate field enter the tax rate.
6. In the Tax Agency field select the Printer’s Plan QuickBooks Tax Agency. This field should match
up with the value in the QuickBooks Tax Agency field from the Printer’s Plan Settings |
Accounting | Taxes window.
Class List Configuration (optional):
1. Make sure QuickBooks is set up to use classes. In QuickBooks go to Edit |Preferences |
Accounting | Company Preferences. In this window check-in the Use Class Tracking option and
click OK.
2. To create a class, go to Lists | Class List at the bottom left corner of this window click on Class,
then select New from the menu.
3. In the New Class window enter a Class Name and click OK
For each Terms selection in Printer’s Plan you will need to create an exact match in QuickBooks. The following steps outline how to add terms in QuickBooks.
1. In QuickBooks select Lists | Customer & Vendor Profile Lists | Terms List. This will open the
Terms List window.
2. In the Terms List window, at the bottom left corner click on Terms, then select New from the
3. In the New Terms window, in the Terms field enter the matching Printer’s Plan terms name. In
the Net Due In field enter the number of days:
4. Click OK to save the terms. Repeat this process for each Printer’s Plan Terms option.
Shipping Methods
For each Shipping Method selection in Printer’s Plan you will need to create an exact match in
QuickBooks. The following steps outline how to add shipping methods in QuickBooks.
1. In QuickBooks select Lists | Customer & Vendor Profile Lists | Ship Via List. This will open the
Ship Via List window:
2. In the Ship Via List window, at the bottom left corner click on Shipping Method, then select New
from the menu.
3. In the New Shipping Method window, in the Shipping Method field enter the matching Printer’s
Plan shipping method name
4. Click OK to save the shipping method. Repeat this process for each Printer’s Plan shipping
method option.
Part 3: Export Procedures
This section outlines the process for transferring Printer’s Plan data to QuickBooks.
Step 1: Post the Completed Orders
Printer’s Plan will only export data to QuickBooks from jobs that have been posted. If you are not familiar
with “posting” in Printer’s Plan, please read about it in our knowledge base article on posting (https://support.printreach.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008506534-Posting-Orders-to-History-A-R-)
Step 2: Select the Data to Export.
The posting mentioned in Step One records all the data you need to import into QuickBooks. Therefore,
the following steps explain how to list the posting(s) of your choice and how to export the data recorded
in those postings.
1. Go to the Reports section.
2. Open Posting Journal. Four types of filters appear: Regular Sales, Quick Sales, Total Sales, and All
3. Right-click All Fields and select Add filter… The Find window appears
4. Select the date range (or the posting numbers) for the posting(s) you want to list and click Find
Now. The posting(s) that fit the criteria appear, each posting as one-line item.
5. Highlight the postings you wish to export and click the Export button
If you are using the IIF Delivery Method skip Step 3: Import Data Using the Direct Connect Delivery
Method section below and jump to Step 4: Importing Data Using the IIF delivery method. If you are
using the Direct Connect delivery method continue with the next section.
Step 3: Import Data Using the Direct Connect Delivery Method.
6. In the Export window select either All Rows or Selected Rows. Before you click OK make sure
QuickBooks is open and running on the computer that is creating the export data. We also
recommend that you backup your QuickBooks data file. Once you verified QuickBooks is open
click OK
If you are exporting Invoice Data an optional preview window may appear before the data is sent
to QuickBooks. This would allow you to preview the jobs before sending the information to
QuickBooks. This option is set in the Settings | Third Party Integrations | QuickBooks | Enable
Invoice Preview field.
7. After export the data a confirmation window will appear indicating the information has been
successfully exported:
Click OK. This is the final step in this guide if you are using the Direct Connect delivery method.
Step 4: Import Data Using the IIF delivery method.
6. In the Export window select either All Rows or Selected Rows and click OK.
7. After clicking OK the File Explorer window opens. In the File Name field: rename the file with a
unique identification and in the Save as type field select QuickBooks (.iif).
8. Click Save. A confirmation window will show that the export was successful:
Note: This window also asks if you want to open the file. Click No.
If you want to view the contents of this file, you can open the file in Notepad.
(Clicking Yes in the above window may give you an error message if you have QuickBooks
installed on your computer or display a dialog box asking which program you want to use to open
the file. If you receive the error message, click OK to close it.)
9. Open QuickBooks.
10. Back up the QuickBooks data now.
If the import process fails, you will restore the backed up data before you attempt to import
11. After the backup is complete, click File, select Utilities > Import > IIF Files.
The Import window appears
12. Find the .iif file created with the Printer’s Plan export, and click Open. After the import is
complete, a confirmation window appears.
13. Click OK. This is the final step using the IIF Delivery Method.