Midnight v4.5 (10/2015) Release Notes Follow
Midnight -Version 4.5
Released October 17th, 2015
CRM Enhancement: 6 new fields have been added to the CRM page. (see details below)
Source: Use this field to track how the customer was obtained (email campaign, referral, cold call, etc.) or as a means of grouping customers by a given type. The values in the dropdown can be managed in Admin/CRM/Customer Source.
Ghost#, Non Profit Auth#, Permit Number, Mailer ID (MID) and Cust Reg ID (CRID): Click the green plus icon next to any of these new fields and you will be able to add one or many values. For example, some customers may have more than one permit number you use, or more than one MID number. After clicking the green icon and adding one or more values, you don’t need to select a value in the dropdown. Selecting a value in the dropdown will have that value be automatically defaulted on new orders for that given customer (these five new fields have been added to the Orders page (Data/Postage tab) as well. See Order (Data/Postage tab) screen shot below.
**If you selected a value in any of the five dropdowns in CRM, that value is automatically selected on all new orders that are created for that customer.
**If you added value(s) in CRM, but did not select an item in the dropdown, the page will look like it does below. No default values will be automatically populated. Rather, you can manually click the dropdown and select a value you added in CRM.
Performance Improvement: Order/Version Tab. Clicking the ‘load’ button will now load the page faster.
Accounting Export:
– Admin/Company Settings: A new Accounting Export has been added for those using the Miles33 accounting system.
– For those using QuickBooks, a new parameter is available in the Company Settings/Accounting integration page. The new checkbox field is called, “Enable to create Customer Jobs when importing it to QuickBooks”.
If checked, jobs can be automatically be created in QB. The export would look like this:
The NAME will include a concatenation of the DOCNUM and MEMO. In the example above the NAME field would read as follows:
“Emadel Promotions: 1209 – Self Mailer – November Campaign”
The ‘Schedule Job’ link that is available on the Details tab of the order has been modified to provide a better visual as to how the schedulable services will appear on the Machine Schedule. The red exclamation point lets you know if the service is in conflict with another service (on another job) already on the machine schedule. If two tasks overlap at all, you will see this next to the service. Should you want to change the start date, Start Time or machine associated with the service, you can do it from here as well.
Report Viewer:
A new report viewer is being deployed. This will be a transparent change for all users – the new viewer was implemented to accommodate larger sets of data and work better with mobile devices.
– Reporting Module/Accounting Reports: AR Export by Date Range – A time stamp has been added so one can tell not only one day and order was exported, but also the time.
– Order/Invoice Version Summary: This new report was formatted to visually look just like the existing Invoice report. However, rather than repeat each service that is the same across versions, it will group them into a single line item. Services will be grouped together only if the description and Unit Price is the same. If they are different, they are considered their own unique item and displayed individually. The quantities of like services are added together, and the extended price reflect the new quantity.
– Order/Invoice Version Price Summary: This new report was formatted to visually look just like the existing Invoice Price report. However, rather than repeat each service that is the same across versions, it will group them into a single line item. Services will be grouped together only if the description and Unit Price is the same. If they are different, they are considered their own unique item and displayed individually. The quantities of like services are added together, and the extended price reflect the new quantity.
API – Web Service methods: Several new methods have been added to the API. If you would like a copy of the new API document please contact support.
– Job Types: two new columns were added to this page – GLID and Item Code. These are optional items and will not affect current users.
– CRM/Customer Source: Items in the Source dropdown in CRM are managed here.
Dashboard Widgets: The ‘Dropped but Not Billed Orders’ widget has been renamed to, ‘Dropped but Not Billed Orders (Sales Rep)’. An additional widget has been added that is named, ‘Dropped but Not Billed Orders (CSR)’. This new widget allows one to filter by CSR rather than Sales Rep.
– Addressed issue with exporting postage payments when many invoices per file is exported.
– Addressed issue with GLIDs associated with Services being truncated when they had a long description.
– Addressed issue with a CRM Contacts ‘other’ phone number not saving when adding a new contact in CRM.
– Addressed issue with Simple wide Format calculator rounding down rather than up when the Round Total check box was selected.
– Addressed issue on Estimate search screen where extended search panel did not collapse when cancel was clicked.
– Addressed issue with inactive finishing services being displayed in WF calculator.
– Addressed issue with PO Report and making sure markup was not included in the line item total sent to vendor.
– Addressed issue with Postage Affix dropdown locking and not being editable.
– Addressed issue with security role rights not being editable.