Midnight v4.1 (02/2015) Release Notes Follow
Midnight -Version 4.1
Released February 27, 2015
iPad Inventory Application: All transaction screens (Add/Put Away, Subtract/Pull, Move) now have a comment section providing the same functionality that is in the Midnight application.
Usability/Performance: The application will now prompt you if you attempt to leave a page before saving your work. This is an optional setting that can be toggled on and off in the Admin/Global Settings/System tab. This also provides a significant improvement in loading reports. Should you open an order or estimate and simply want to print a report without making any changes, the system will no longer attempt to save the record before rendering the report since there is no modified data to change – hence, the report loads significantly faster. Enjoy!
– When copying an order containing Versions, the due date will automatically default to the due date in the header of the page (if one exits) when the Version is saved.
– When emailing a report from the Estimates or Orders module, the To field will default to the selected contact of the order/estimate, and the From field will default to the CSR associated with Estimate/Order.
– The Postage tab now allows you to enter a negative unit value for any Postage Affix instrument. This will allow you to accommodate postage discounts for accurate Postage associated with the job.
– When converting an estimate to an order that contains a print estimate, inventory (paper) associated with print estimate will now automatically be added to inventory tab. The same is true of print estimates that are added to the order; Inventory (paper) is automatically added to the Inventory tab of the order.
– Orders/Accounting Export: the ability to export Postage Payments is now available. It functions the same as the existing Invoice Export. This function currently supports QuickBooks and Sage50_Peachtree accounting systems. Support for additional accounting systems is under way. As with the Invoice Export, you will find a new field in the Admin/Company Settings/Accounting Integration page where you define the Account Name corresponding to your accounting package where you want the postage prepayments to post.
– Services associated with a closed order will no longer be available to load in the scheduling module
Shop Floor Data Collection
– The shop floor application now provides the ability to associate a default status to the Dynamic Job Board each time someone ‘Jobs In’ to a task. Also, one now has the ability to associate a status with a service other than ‘Complete’ when ‘Jobbing Out’ of a task. The default ‘Job In’ status can be set in Admin/Global Settings/Shop Floor Data Collection tab. Tip: Did you know you can create your own custom Statuses to be selected here or in the Dynamic Job Board? When in the Dynamic Job Board, click on the My Preferences link. Two of the statuses cannot be deleted/updated; New and Closed.
– Inactive machines are now being filtered out of this application when ‘Jobbing In’.
– The Standard Services List has three new columns: GLID, Item Code and Taxable (y/n). This will help group like services.
– Warehouse/ Item Type description, can now support a description greater than 20 characters.
– Print/Paper Markup and Press Markup pages: volume markup% can now be calculated on values greater than six digits.
– The Customer List method now accepts email as an input parameter
– A new CreateCustomer method was added
– A new Service Wizard List method was added.
Widget: A new widget named, Unbilled Revenue by Sales Rep has been created. This widget will display the number of open orders and their associated revenue for each sales rep that is scheduled to close in a given date range. This was suggested by a customer and gives a great snapshot view of what you can expect to bill clients between now and the end of the month (or any defined date range).
– A new report named, ‘GLID Totals’ was created. This report can be found in the reports module in the Orders section. This report shows all Postage and Service dollars posted against their corresponding GLID’s for a given date range.
3rd Party Software Integrations:
– Salesforce: a one way sync from Salesforce has been created allowing you to sync all customers and contacts from Salesforce to Midnight.
– Addressed issue where direct labor cost would be reset to $ 0.00 when editing an existing job costing record.
– Addressed issue with Multiple Quantity Estimates containing multiple print estimates.
– Addressed issue with not being able to delete an email associated with an inactive contact in CRM module.
– Addressed issue on the CRM/Pricing tab – this is now suppressing inactive services. The parameters atop the page also allows for properly sorting all selected services.
– Addressed issue with PO Report and the display of the vendor address.
– Addressed issue with visual scheduling calendar: services on multiple versions for a particular order are now displayed correctly.
– Addressed issue with ‘Recent Proofs’ widget and the displaying of data.
– Addressed issue with GLID descriptions greater than 20 characters properly exporting to accounting system.
– Addressed issue with Print Estimate Color Groups and % Coverage Side 2 properly retaining information after saving estimate.
– Addressed issue with Print Estimate with the number of Parents Sheets and # Run Sheets displaying correctly on the Work order.
– Addressed issue with Print Estimate where the Black and Color Click Rates were improperly rounding.
– Addressed issue with large data sets being stored in the description field of Issues associated with Orders.