Comparison Reports Follow
Comparison is the fourth key report. This report is about comparing your numbers to the last period, also known as last year. Keep in mind it always compares to the last year by the date range you choose. For example, if the data range is 1/1/2020-1/30/202 it will compare to 1/1/2019-1/30/2019.
Sales Departments: This section is a break down that shows the total service counts, costs, prices, margins, etc for each sales department.
Service Departments: This section is a break down of the service departments. It includes counts, costs, prices, margins, etc.
Services: This section is a breakdown of each individual service. It includes counts, costs, prices, margins, etc.
Products: This section shows the breakdown of the different products you have put into Printer's Plan.
Customers/and Products: These reports show the breakdowns by customer. This also shows you the top 10 customers in the date range given.
Business Types/and Customers: These reports are broken down by business type that you define for the customers.
Customer Service Reps: This shows the numbers in relation to the CSR's you have in your system and the jobs they have been assigned too. It is a sum of the jobs.
Sales Reps: This is the same as the CSR version, but it is by Sales Representatives.
Sales By Month Paid/Posted: This report shows the sales by the month chosen in the date range. Then by when the job was either POSTED or PAID. An invoice can be posted in a different month than it was paid and vise versa. This is very important to keep in mind when troubleshooting discrepancies.
Write-ups By Day: This shows your discounts and write-ups broken down into the day and month that they happened.