Advanced Filter Definitions Follow
When applying filters to orders, quotes, templates, or history there is the ability to add multiple search parameters. This option is called the 'Advanced Filter'. Below are the definitions for each option available in the 'By This Field' section of the Advanced Filter.
Enabling The Advanced Filter
- In the Jobs, Quotes, Templates, or History areas select a folder (In this example Orders > All) and right-click on the section that needs to be filtered and click 'Add Filter'.
- This will bring up the standard filter window where a single filter can be applied. On the right-hand side, there will be a checkbox called 'Advanced Filter'. Click on this checkbox to view more fields that can be selected.
The advanced fields all pull information from different parts of the database in relation to what you are filtering. If you are filtering order data, the filters applied will display relevant orders.
All of the options are sorted with a prefix that ties to the following tables.
- Jobs: Filters that will sort by data collected on the job level
- Contacts: Filters that sort by contact information
- Customers: Filters that sort by customer level data relating to jobs
- Posting Journal: Filters history data based on information in postings
- Production Tags: Filters data based on production tags
- Ship By: Filters data based on the shipping method
- Ship To: Filters shipping record data in relation to jobs
- Jobs.Balance: The current balance of any job.
- Jobs.BuyerNo: The buyer associated with the job.
- Jobs.Comission: The commission value added to a job.
- Jobs.CommType: The commission type set on a job.
- Net Sale: 0
- Net Margin: 1
- Jobs.Creator: The CSR who created the job.
- Jobs.CSRno: The number associated with the CSR who is assigned to the job.
- Jobs.CusNo: The customer number associated with the job.
- Jobs.DateDue: The due date set on a job
- Jobs.DateIn: The date the job was input to Printer’s Plan
- Jobs.DatePaid: The Date the Job Was completely Paid
- Jobs.DatePayDue: The date that the initial payment is due
- Jobs.DateProof: The date the Proof is due
- Jobs.DateReorder: The date assigned for the job to be reordered
- Jobs.DateShipped: The date a job was marked as shipped
- Jobs.Discount: The discount amount on a job.
Jobs.ExternalInvoiceID: This is the ID used for a PayPal Invoice - Jobs.FromJobNo: This is the Job Number a job was created from
- Jobs.FromJobType: The number value for the format a job was created from.
- Order: 0
- Quote: 1
- Template: 2
- History: 3
- Web order: 4
- Jobs.InvoiceNote: This is the text that is found in the memo to the customer field of a job
- Jobs.InvoicePrinted: This will search based on how many times an invoice has been printed.
- Use a filter of zero for jobs that have not had an invoice printed
- Jobs.JobID: This is the internal ID of the job (Use Jobs.JobNo to find display number)
- Jobs.JobNo: This is the Job Number for associated with a job.
- Jobs.JobTag: This is the tag applied to a job
- Jobs.JobType: A number associated with job type.
- Jobs: 0
- Quotes: 1
- Templates: 2
- History: 3
- Jobs.LateFee: Whether or not the job has a late fee assigned
- No: 0
- Yes: 1
- Jobs.Location: The store number for a job
- Jobs.Paid: Amount paid on a job
- Jobs.PO: This is the purchase order number associated with a job.
- Jobs.Postage: This is the monetary value of postage for a job
- Jobs.PostingNumber: This is the posting number associated with a Job
- Jobs.PrintOption: Ties to the options that are selected in the print window for the invoice.
- Jobs.ProofTime: The time that the proof is set due
- Jobs.PropID1: Relates to the last document printed
- Jobs.Shipping: This is the monetary value of shipping for a job
- Jobs.ShiptoNo: The shipping record listed on the job
- Jobs.Status: The number representing the status of a job.
- In progress: 0
- On hold: 1
- Ready to ship: 3
- Ready to post: 4
- Jobs.Subtotal: This is the subtotal of the job.
- Jobs.Tax: This is the total amount of the tax for this job.
- Jobs.Taxable: A number value for if this job is taxable.
- Yes: 0
- No: 1
- Jobs.TaxNo: The number associated with taxes in the tax table. This has a drop-down menu for convenience
- Jobs.TermsNo: The number associated with one of your terms in the terms table. This has a drop-down menu for convenience
- Jobs.TimeDue: This is the time that the job is due by on its due date.
- Jobs.Title: Title of the job
- Jobs.ViaDue: The number associated with one of your shipping methods in the shipping methods table. This has a drop down menu for convenience
- Jobs.WebID: This field relates to orders received from a Web2Print
- Jobs.WebSiteID: Relates to orders received from a Web2Print site
- Jobs.WOrderPrinted: This is the number of time the work order has been printed
- Jobs.WriteOff: this is the amount that was written off on a job.
- Contats.CCExpriationDate: Current card on file's expiration date on record
- Contacts.CCHolderName: Name on the credit card for contact on record
- Contacts.CCToken: The current token associated with contact on record
- Contacts.Cell: Job contact's cell phone number
- Contacts.ContactID: Internal contact ID (When searching for contact use 'Contacts.ContactNo'
- Contacts.ContactNo: The number associated with a contact
- Contacts.ContactNote: The note on the contact record
- Contacts.ConTag: The tags associated with a contact record
- Contacts.Created: The date the contact was created
- Contacts.CusNo: The customer number to which the contact belongs
- Contacts.Dept: The department the contact works in
- Contacts.Email: The email address for a contact
- Contacts.Fax: The fax number for a contact on record
- Contacts.First: The first name of a contact record
- Contacts.HashPassword: The contact's hash password
- Contacts.KeyContact: Whether or not this contact is the key contact for a customer
- Contacts.Last: The last name for a contact
- Contacts.LastEmail: The date the last email was sent to this contact
- Contacts.LastSurvey: The last date on record this customer was surveyed
- Contacts.Modified: The last date this contact was modified
- Contacts.NextCall: The date set for the next call for this contact
- Contacts.Options:
- Contacts.OtherDate: Information in the 'Other Date' field on a contact record
- Contacts.Password: Password associated with this contact
- Contacts.Phone: A contact's phone number
- Contacts.Phone2: Secondary phone number for a contact on file
- Contacts.Position: The position for this contact
- Contacts.PropID: Searches by contact properties selected. A number value is represented for each selection in the order they are listed on the contact's properties section.
- Contacts.SendEmail: Whether or not this contact is set to recieve emails on record
- No: 0
- Yes: 1
- Contacts.Sendsurvey: Whether this contact is set to receive surveys issued by the print shop
- No: 0
- Yes: 1
- Contacts.Shipto: Shipping address associated with a contact
- Contacts.Title: The contact's Title within the organization
- Contacts.Type: The type of contact
- Buyer
- Payer
- Shipping
- Customers.Address: Street address of the customer
- Customers.Address2: 2nd line of street address of the customer
- Customers.Business: The business type of customer
- Customers.BuyerNo: Search for a customer buyer number or primary contact
- Customers.City: The city of a customer
- Customers.Country: The country of a customer
- Customers.CreditDue: The current credit due for a customer
- Customers.CreditLimit: The set limit of credit for a customer
- Customers.CSRNo: The default CSR number for a customer's account
- Customers.CusID: The internal ID for a customer (Use Customers.CusNo when looking for a customer number)
- Customers.CusNo: The number assigned to a customer
- Customers.CusStatus: The current status of a customer
- Customers.CusTag: Any tags associated with a customer
- Customers.DateCreated: The date a customer record was created
- Customers.DateModified: The last date recorded that a customer's record was modified
- Customers.Discount: The set discount applied to this customer's record
- Customers.GroupID: The group ID associated with a customer or group of customers
- Customers.InvoiceBy: The primary invoice method for a customer
0 = Attn: Payer - Print
1 = Attn: Payer - Email
2 = Attn: Buyer - Print
3 = Attn: Buyer- Email
4 = Attn: None - Print
5 = Attn: None- Email - Customers.LateFee: If a customer is set to be charged late fees.
- No: 0
- Yes: 1
- Customers.Location: The store location assigned to a customer
- Customers.Memo: The note in the 'Memo To Customer' field
- Customers.Name: The name of a customer
- Customers.ParentNo: The customer's parent account number
- Customers.PayerNo: The contact's payer number for a customer
- Customers.PaymentDefault: The payment method default set on the customer account
- Customers.POReq: If this customer requires PO numbers
- Customers.PriceLevel: The price level set for a customer
- Customers.PriceRound: Whether or not a customer is set to price rounding by default
- Customers.Priority: The priority of customers
- Customers.PropID: This is the User Defined Properties in the customer's account. To search for one property, use the values defined below.
Property 1: 1
Property 2: 2
Property 3: 4
Property 4: 8
Property 5: 16
Property 6: 32
Property 7: 64
Property 8: 128- To search for multiple at a time add the numbers together of what they represent.
For example, an account with Properties 2 and 4, you would search 'Customers.PropID = 10'.
- To search for multiple at a time add the numbers together of what they represent.
- Customers.ShiptoNo: The customer's ship to record number
- Customers.ShipVia: The number value for the method for which this customer ships items
- Customers.Source: The source this customer came from
- Customers.SRepNo: The sales representative assigned to customers
- Customers.State: The state a customer is in
- Customers.Statement: Whether or not a customer will be eligible to receive statements printed from Printer's Plan
- No: 0
- Yes: 1
- Customers.Tax: The number value for a customer's tax code
- Associated numbers can be found in the Settings tab under Accounting and Taxes
- Customers.Terms: The number value for the customer's terms
- Customers.WebAccess: Whether or not a customer has web access to PlanWeb
- Customers.WebAddress: A customer's website on file
- Customers.Zip: Customer zip code
Posting Journal
These filters apply to history orders.
- Postingjournal.AllPayments: Filter all payments by a certain amount
- Postingjournal.ARBalance: Filters all jobs that have a current A/R balance by a specified amount
- Postingjournal.Balance: Filters history by the total balance specified
- Postingjournal.Commission: Filters history by a specified commission amount
- Postingjournal.Cost: Filters history by a specified job cost
- Postingjournal.CreditsDue: Filters history by credits due for a specified amount
- Postingjournal.DepositsNew: Filters by new deposits on orders
- Postingjournal.DepositsNow: Filters by current deposits on orders
- Postingjournal.DepositsOld: Filters by old deposits on history orders
- Postingjournal.Discount: Filters by a specified job discount on history orders
- Postingjournal.Invoices: Filters invoices on history orders
- Postingjournal.Latefee: Filters history orders that have late fees
- Postingjournal.Paid: Filters orders by paid amount
- Postingjournal.Postage: Filters history orders by postage
- Postingjournal.PostingDate: Filters history orders by the posting date
- Postingjournal.PostingNo: Filters history orders by the posting number they belong to
- Postingjournal.QSales: Filters the quick sales in history
- Postingjournal.QSaleSubtotal: Filters the quick order sales history by the specified subtotal
- Postingjournal.QSaleTax: Filters by the tax amount for history quick sales orders
- Postingjournal.Shipping: Filters the shipping amount for history jobs
- Postingjournal.Subtotal: Filters by the specified subtotal on history jobs
- Postingjournal.Tax: Filters by the tax amount on history orders
- Postingjournal.TaxableNetSale: Filters by the taxable net sale on history orders
- Postingjournal.TaxableQSale: Filters by the taxable total on quick sale history orders
- Postingjournal.Writeoff: Filters by the writeoff amount on history orders
Production Tags
- Productiontags.Color: Search by the color of tags
- Productiontags.Name: Search by name of tags
- Productiontags.Sort: Search by sort order of production tag
- Productiontags.TagID: The internal ID of the production tag
- Productiontags.Type: The type of production tags
Ship By
- Shipby.Name: The name on the shipping method
- Shipby.No: The number associated with the shipping method
- Shipby.SendStatusWhen: The status of the shipping method
- Shipby.Sort: The sort number of the shipping method
- Shipby.Type: The type of shipping method
- Shipby.W2PSetStatus: The status set by the web-to-print system
Ship To
- Shipto.Address: Line 1 of the address on the shipping record
- Shipto.Address2: Line 2 of the address on the shipping record
- Shipto.Attention: The name on the shipping record
- Shipto.City: The city on the shipping record
- Shipto.Company: The company listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.Country: The country on the shipping record
- Shipto.Created: The date the shipping record was created
- Shipto.CusNo: The customer number associated with the shipping record
- Shipto.Distance: The distance listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.Modified: The date the record was last modified
- Shipto.Phone: The phone number listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.Route: The route chosen on the shipping record
- Shipto.ShipBy: The shipping method listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.ShipCharge: The fees on the shipping record
- Shipto.ShipNote: The notes left on the shipping record
- Shipto.ShipOpt: The options listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.ShiptoNo: The shipping record number
- Shipto.State: The state listed on the shipping record
- Shipto.TaxBy: The tax rate on the shipping record
- Shipto.Type: The type of shipping
- Shipto.Zip: The zip code on the shipping record