Postage Available Balance Follow
Understanding the postage available balance
Midnight helps you track your customers' postage escrows and also allows you to verify at any moment how much money the client has available for use. Both on screen and via reports, you can quickly view a client's postage escrow as well as their available postage balance. The available balance may match the escrow balance, but if a customer has money in escrow and new postage used on an order, the available balance represents that difference. The available balance is the amount that will be left over once the escrow money had been applied to the invoice. Reviewing the available balance for a customer allows you to stay informed and be proactive for situations where additional money may need to be requested to cover existing orders.
In Midnight, the escrow represents funds held for use on future jobs. The money may be a true postage escrow or it might be a temporary holding account while waiting for the next job from a customer. Midnight allows you to track and manage your postage escrows. The available balance represents all money received (including in escrow) minus all postage used on orders in Midnight. This value is what the client has available for use on orders given the money received will be applied to the postage used on orders. In the event there are orders in the system with postage usage and there has not been enough money received, the system will show a negative available balance. This means, the client owes you money.
If the available balance equals your escrow balance, the client has their entire escrow available for use.
If the balance is an alternate positive number, they have that amount available for use and all existing postage on orders is covered.
If the balance is zero, you've received money to cover all existing postage used, but the client has no available monies.
The postage escrow represents the money the customer has in their escrow account, but the balance represents any money the client has available based upon money received minus and postage used on orders in your Midnight. While a given customer's balances may vary, Midnight helps you make sure you know when additional money may be needed.